MovieChat Forums > The Haunting in Connecticut (2009) Discussion > Tired of the same lame sound 'trick' on ...

Tired of the same lame sound 'trick' on every movie.

When please g-d, is hollywood going to stop with the same d--ned sound trick ?

Every "scary" movie** for the last 15 years suffers from the same idiotic, and desperate trick. Since writers and directors no longer have any talent for writing a truly interesting or least bit frightening screenplay/movie, they all resort to the same d---n thing

The sound track (dialog) is played so low, that you have to turn your volume up to 9.5 to hear the actors. Not that there's anything much interesting about the dialog, but after you pay to rent the @%$@ thing, you might as well listen. Then, every few minutes they play the same 'creepy' (well it was the first 400 times it was used) build up sound, followed by the same "wham" sound, that is meant to shock the audience. In reality though, nobody is scared, we've all seen / heard it done so f-in many times, there's no scare there.

So now, you fight your remote though the entire @$^%@$ picture turning the sound UP so you can hear the 90% that's played at 'mouse-fart' volume then turning the sound down again, for the 10% played at Shuttle-Launch volume.

Come on hollywood, catch a f-in clue. If yelling "Boo!" at your audience is the best you've got, you're a g-d d--ned hack.

** Lame action flicks do the same thing, but the "LOUD" portion is the senseless CGI exposions [[ Yes Michael Bay, we're talking to you ]]


Hey I hate that too. You know what I doubly hate? When the foley drowns everything else out. Like they can't catch that in QA and fix it.

In the end, Okonkwo threw the Cat.


I almost gave up on the movie near the beginning because of all the cheap scares, especially the sound track going up in volume every time something scary was supposed to happen.

OK, we know that scary music means we are supposed to be scared. The movie makes just way overdid it so much it was annoying more than anything.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Exactly. It is so cliche. The volume thing bothered me too...I'd have to be constantly making it louder and then lower.


'mouse-fart' LOL.I agree.I watched half of this film and couldn't take it anymore.Got up to the part where the priest takes the "remains" out of the house and things stopped happining.Fell asleep out of boredom.I wanted to like this film but I got spoiled on "a Haunting" on Discovery Channel and the episode about this story scared the crap out of me.Hollywood left out the best parts.Like the dark figure in the suit at the bottom of the stairs.If anyone haven't seen that 2-part episode I recommend watching it.It will have you up for two days like it did me.LOLTheir is usually a marathon on Mondays between 11 A.M. and 6 P.M.Check it out.

Fred-"Bubba,how much is 5 & 5?"
Fred-"Thats also your IQ!"


well i dunno, the sounds seems pretty similar in both parts, thought the cliche is annoying as hell.

In this universe, there's only one absolute... everything freezes!


You're so right. It'd be so much scarier if we weren't conditioned by the soundtrack to gear up for the shock moment. Subtlty can have such a powerful effect--and it's less expensive, Hollywood!

"First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red."


I agree. The first time I watched the DVD, I had to adjust the friggin' volume so many times that the battery in the remote died. It didn't help that it was 4 in the morning; I'm sure my neighbors loved me for that one. Good thing I had my receiver off because I have one of those annoying 500-watt systems with 2 pairs of tower speakers (can you say overkill? Especially for an apartment. But it is good for drowning out that salsa and merengue crap that I have to wake up to every morning...)


I agree. The first time I watched the DVD, I had to adjust the friggin' volume so many times that the battery in the remote died. It didn't help that it was 4 in the morning; I'm sure my neighbors loved me for that one. Good thing I had my receiver off because I have one of those annoying 500-watt systems with 2 pairs of tower speakers (can you say overkill? Especially for an apartment. But it is good for drowning out that salsa and merengue crap that I have to wake up to every morning...)

A pair of big fat headphones for when you're alone are a lifesaver. Drown out most outside noises and you can crank it up without bothering your neighbors, everyone's happy. :)


Yep, it's extremely annoying. The filmmakers must truly realize that they have a crappy movie on their hands, when they resort to using loud noises over and over again, just to make the viewer jump.

Movies I've seen in 2010:


holy crap I am laughing hard right now haha

I am sick of spending my time in these movies dealing with the remote,
everyone always says

"can you turn it up, I can't hear it"


"oh thats a bit loud, can you turn it down"

I hate it
