Well, I really liked the movie and I'm a little bit of a movie freak, I watch tones of movies.
I give this movie a 9, because the beginning was a little slow to captivate me, but the last half was very good, after the scene in the hotel, where the kid was supposed to be. After that, the movie was totally unpredictable and captivating and stirred emotions inside me. (That's what any good movie should do, isn't it?)
I also liked the directing on the bits showing simultaneously what Neil and Judy were doing, the camera switching back and forth, but the accelerated and shacking camera images from the car, when Tom was "burning" the money, kind of dazzled me instead of adding to the tension.
Anyhow, all in all was quite a good movie, so for my part, it deserves a 9.
I guess this is a "love it or hate it" kind of movie, hence, the strange ratings!