WTF did I just watch?
Neil was a dick, but is wife was obviously batsh!t insane. Would you really want to stay with the crazy bitch after all that? Have her raise your child? I'd divorce the bitch and have her locked the fck up, she wouldn't stand a chance after that crazy setup. I have no idea what I was supposed to feel by the end of the movie (other than complete understanding on how I never heard of this movie before until it showed up on TV) but all I felt was irritated. What a dumb and dissatisfying movie. Who thinks it's a good idea as a reveal, as the final twist, that there was NEVER ANY peril at all? Oh, well, just for jokes is it? That's exciting then. I'm actually angry with myself for watching it through to the end as it got progressively worse, lol. Especially as it didn't start off too brilliantly either.
Now let's go bury this dead hooker.