can anyone explain to me?

Why this movie which in my opinion should not be rated higher than 4/10 is rated over 8!!! when, say, devil's advocate is rated 7.3?

It's really beyond me and I completely lost my trust in imdb. I don't know how to replace IMDB yet but i'll do my best to find some alternatives. I will still read IMDB to see user opinions (especially bad ones) but never trust it again...



Ok, this is just my opinion, for what it's worth...

What are the movies I go to IMDB to read about and rate? It's usually the movies I like. I'm not going to go to IMDB to read about or rate, say, Entrapment, because that movie sucked and watching it was bad enough. So, I'm not going to bother going to IMDB to give it a bad rating. Usually people bother going to IMDB to check out what other people thought of movies they liked, and because they liked it, they rate it highly. I've noticed there's a lot of movies on IMDB rated higher than they should be.

If I want to find out how good a movie is BEFORE I watch it, I usually go to rottentomatoes. Whereas I go to IMDB to discuss movies I've ALREADY seen.


Get over yourself, dude and grow up. Stop pouting because everyone does not agree with you and take your self-righteous indignation and put it to better use. I am positive, with your personality and attitude--just the glimpse that we see here--there have been countless occaisions when people did not share your opinion; did you walk away in a huff then as well. To the best of my knowledge no one at IMDb asked you to put your blind trust in them and I am sure they will get along without you.


i come to imdb to check out discussions on EVERY movie i watch, irrespectivve of whether i like it or not OR understood it or not. Dont let opinions affect you emotionally!


For about the first hour of this movie, I would give it about a 2/10. Then with the plot twist, move it up to 4/10. Overall, though, it was all so preposterous, that I could barely stand watching it -- telling myself I should just give up. BTW, this coming from somebody who's a regular viewer and fan of "24", which has also so many plot holes they should film it on Swiss cheese. I can tolerate ridiculous character actions up to a point...this movie went way above and beyond that point for me. This loser, Neil, had so many easy opportunities to take the reigns away from Tom, that I was ready to start screaming at the TV, "Are you retarded?!". For instance, when they're driving on that bridge over the Chicago River and Tom is hanging half way out of the car to toss the burning money, he could swerved to slam him up against the side. What does Neil do? Nothing. In the restaurant, what does Neil do? Again, nothing. The final plot twist was amusing, but also, it's so absurd that two people would go to this trouble to bust an adulterer.


What is up with all these posts arguing back in forth? You don't agree with ratings or the system the site uses, and you want to move on because you don't trust the site. Okay thanks for sharing/venting and I hope you find whatever works for you. Why is this a big deal? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Frankly I think the advice to find like minded users/profiles on IMDb was good advice. If for no other reason just until you find a better source. No one is holding you hostage here. And to the other bickering children I say let it go. People have a right to post their opinion and even vent a little. It is beyond silly to bicker over this. Your judging a person because they are judging a site. Who freaking cares?
