MovieChat Forums > Saw III (2006) Discussion > Jigsaw is a murderer no matter what he c...

Jigsaw is a murderer no matter what he claims.

Let's think about this.

He thinks that he is not a murderer because his tools and contraptions do the killing while he provides the victims with a means of escape. But in the end, if the victim dies they died at the hands of Jigsaw's contraptions in which he put on the victim against their will. This is murder regardless.

Let's use a similar scenario.

You have a friend who talks about how much he hates his life. To teach him a lesson, you hit him with your car then while he's injured and dying on the ground, you give him a cellphone to call an ambulance to prove that he would rather live then die. If your friend is unable to crawl to the cellphone or refuses to call the ambulance, YOU are still considered the murderer.

Just because you give them a way out, doesn't clear you of the fact that you premeditated that act to put your victim's life in danger intentionally.


Jigsaw is a psychopath. He doesn't see what he does as murder even though, as you said, he's definitely murdering all of his victims.


If John Kramer was to be diagnosed with a mental illness he would be classed as a sociopath, rather than a psychopath. The reason I think this, is the definitions for both psychiatric disorders. 'Jigsaw' seems to fall more into the latter category.

Psychopath: "A person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and a lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity and failure to learn from experience".

Sociopath: "A sociopath can be defined as a person who has Antisocial Personality Disorder. This disorder is characterised by a disregard for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behaviour and the ability to lie in order to achieve one's goals".


Agreed. It just murdering indirectly 😈


Your analogy is briliant ^^


I always felt John saw himself as a teacher.

He is trying to teach people to value life, so he tests them. If they want to live bad enough, they work their butt off for it, and pass. Or they don't try hard enough and fail. He gives the test, and the student passes or fails.

Because I have heard that from teachers. The students will say a particular teacher failed them. And the teacher's response is "You failed yourself." The student does the work, and the teacher issues the grade. But some teachers do go ahead and bump their students
grades on occasion.

So John is like a twisted teacher. He puts them to the test, and it's up them them is they are determined enough to survive.

So I believe that's how he rationalizes himself. He's an indirect murderer. For the most part.

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


The problem is most teachers don't let you choose between permanent disfigurement and death... no pain no gain is taken a little too far :) Terror is not a good teacher. It's hard to think when you're scared.




Hell, in the first one he full-on slashed Danny Glover's throat. Although he survived, that could very well have killed him. And what about Glover's partner? That booby trap was designed for the sole purpose of killing people.

My excuse for the first, and even the second, was just "Jigsaw's insane", but by this movie the filmmakers seemed to be buying into their own BS a bit.

