MovieChat Forums > Day of the Dead (2008) Discussion > 100 things you've learned by watching Da...

100 things you've learned by watching Day of the Dead.

1. It's ok to run over your zombie mother, without shedding a tear because "she's no longer herself", but when someone who has a crush on you turns into a zombie, you must not kill them and keep them close with you at all times.

2. Zombies somehow are able to climb walls like Spiderman.

3. Running into an abandoned field in the middle of no where will lead you into an abandoned warehouse that shelters a top secret science laboratory.

4. Top secret laboratories have no locks on their doors.

5. The fatter you are, the faster you become a zombie.

6. Rather than stepping on your brakes and getting out of your car, it's always a good idea to drive you car blindly through a forest, at top speed, while there is a zombie sticking through your windshield trying to eat you.


7. Teenage girls hate fat people and show no remorse when stabbing them in the head.

8. Zombies inexplicably switch from vampire like creatures (scaling walls and jumping across rooms) back to typical dumb minded flesh seeking creatures.

9. Vegetarian soldier zombies exist, show human emotion, and will follow orders from a higher ranking officer.

10. Certain zombies are chosen ones who can react so quickly it's as if they can slow down time and dodge an onslaught of bullets.

I know this movie doesn't compare to others but I'm one of those fans who can still enjoy any zombie flick. This one is no exception and so I odn't wish to take back my time spent watching it. This movie is for the true zombie fan who can't get enough zombie flicks to satisfy their appetite.

Shoot 'em up.


"5. The fatter you are, the faster you become a zombie. "

"Zombieland" taught us that the fatties get caught first! Ohhhhhhh, you mean the actual TRANSFORMATION...


11) bleach doesn't kill the zombie virus, but it does mute it a little bit
12) if the person infected is a vegetarian, he will act goofy instead of ferocious
13) if you act like a douche bag to the star of the movie, your wife will turn in to a zombie and slaughter you.


14) When a tense relationship between characters is brushed off as "It's complicated" several times by the main actress, there is no need to ever consider exploring it by the director because it might create character development which makes movies better...


15. Trevor won't drop the passive aggressive *beep*


16. When escaping a zombie horde in a hospital, drive to the secret abandoned building that harbors an underground lab and leave the car keys in the sun visor in case someone else comes along and needs to drive away at the end of the movie.

17. A bone "saw" tied to the end of a pole is a good weapon for slicing off zombie heads.

18. Teenagers are such douches that while mom is upstairs in bed sick, going downstairs to have sex on the couch is ok because she'll never come down.

19. When making out with a girl, it's acceptable to make out with someone that intentionally swallowed a loogie but not cool if that person gets a nosebleed and it accidentally drips on you.

20. Zombies like eating your legs and leaving the rest of you so you're left with stumps.


21. Starting a zombie on fire makes its head explode

22. Some zombies can crawl on the ceiling but then trip over a gurney that wasnt it its way at all.

23. creating a giant firestorm in a underground bunker with a limited air supply will not suck the air out from the room you are backed into


24. Also if you pull out the valvules of a set of missil fuel tanks, the fuel goes out (ACTION) as it's supposed to happen, but the tanks doesn`t move at all (REACTION)


I learned it is better to download a remake of a great film, then to give the people who make them my hard earned cash....

I must be gone and live, or stay and die...


hahaha best one!


25. It's complicated


26. Its best to kill off the most notable actor by far in a film as quickly as possible.


27. White people always want to split up.

28. Black people always say things like "Its gangsta." or "Damn!" or "I'm gonna <bleep> you up!" While shooting two guns in two different directions.

29. Its better to smash your Hummer into abandoned cars in order to avoid running over zombies who were once "Someone."

30. A women with a conspicuously round, ample butt wearing tight pants is going to bend over at some point so that it can be commented on.

31. A frightened teenage girl is going to enter a dark room by herself looking for people that aren't answering her calls.

32. A really smart person will turn into a zombie that isn't just smart, but also incredibly fast, agile, strong, and stealthy.


33. Zombies are capable of wielding guns but not of opening doors.

...and two from the secret lab:

34. Picking up a random sheet of paper will result in finding evidence of guilt of the person standing next to you.

35. Female zombies don't stop talking after having their heads cut off.



42. Somehow a military roadblock that has 30 American soldiers all armed with assault rifles will be overrun without much obvious damage to either the roadblock or the soldiers themselves.

43. Despite the fact it's been about ten minutes since the zombies overran the hospital and killed everyone in the waiting room there are still clearly survivors running around and screaming somehow.

44. Apparently the two soldiers are only people in town smart enough of thinking of raiding the gun shop

45. A saw with a flat nosed tip makes the perfect spear especially for throwing


46. Nick Cannon still can't act.


47. Don't go wandering down dark alleys alone, especially if the guy from Ace Ventura tells you it's a bad idea...


48. When the main character is secretly watching some zombies in a bunker, her vision will flicker and crackle as if her eyes use old damaged film.

49. When you're a soldier assigned to stand inside a building and protect somebody, it is in your jurisdiction to run outside with your weapon, declare martial law and start shooting people in an alley.

50. When the above happens, a radio announcer will not be shocked that he just witnessed somebody get eaten alive by others. He will merely say "what the *beep*?" and walk back inside.

51. At the end of the movie, a spokesman for the army assures everyone that the virus is fully contained, even though no army personnel is visible for kilometers out of the town and into the forrest.

52. The cameramen have a visible presence in a movie and will cause zombies to jump out and screech at them.


53. When scientists are trying to develop an effective weapon for shutting down their enemy's nervous system, instead of furthering the development of already effective nerve gases, they will try to create a virus to shut down nervous systems temporarily, even though a virus cannot block synapses and if it was able to completely shut down a nervous system, it would be permanent.


54. It's possible for one zombie to remove the skin and musculature from a struggling person's torso and face with its bare hands in about 5 seconds or so in the confines of an air duct.



61. people will call anyone a zombie as long as he eats flesh nowadays.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


62. Zombies enjoy black meat as much as white meat.


63. When your terribly ill mom is sitting in a hospital waiting room you should leave her with a total stranger and go with your girlfriend to see her family.


64.its still complicated
65.Attractive teenage girls would rather walk miles alone through the woods instead of getting a ride home with the friends she came with because her date insulted her.
66.when watching a horrible movie,make sure the only thing you spent to watch it was time.
67.18 million dollar budgets dont get you much if your filmakers an idiot.

"Im gonna go get da paper,get da paper"


68. If you're ever a zombie and your eye is distracting you by hanging on your cheek by the optic nerve eat it.

69. Top scientist zombies can control the Matrix.

I've lived upon the edge of chance for 20 years or more...
Del Rio's Song


70. Nick Cannon is a thug.


71. Soldiers knowingly wandering around in dangerous situations purposely carry unloaded sidearms.

72. It's a good idea for a soldier entering a house with blood splashed around on the walls to draw and point her unloaded sidearm for protection as she explores the house.

73. The reason they give for doing this, which is never explored, is "complicated."

And to expand on number 54:

54. It's possible for one zombie to remove the skin and musculature from a struggling person's torso and face with its bare hands in about 5 seconds or so in the confines of an air duct.

Completely silently.


74. If you are a zombie, the only reason why you wouldn't eat other people is because you're a vegetarian.

75. Splitting up is dumbest idea ever in ANY scary movie.

76. Zombies will eat their own eyes.

77. The guy from Ace Ventura is really a DJ.

78. Zombies jump out of windows to try and kill you.

79. When you kill your mother you won't show any emotion, your brother will.

80. Nick Cannon actually outlasted Ving Rhames in a zombie movie, only to get killed at the last second.

81. Some girlfriends will still make out with you if you try to hock a loogie while on top of them, but they'll rule out nosebleeds.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


82. Holding a tiny knife to a large group of people will make them afraid of you.


Wow. There's so many haters of this movie in this one spot. I like this remake of “Day of the Dead,” (never saw the original) but didn’t love it. I feel like a bunch of people here have ganged up on the movie and it is being unfairly, (and disproportionately) criticized, so I'm going to add my two cents in support and defense of this movie and try to do it in a funny way so that everyone won’t gang up on ME.

These are my reactions to the haters “100 things you've learned by watching Day of the Dead.”

1. A) It's OK to run over your zombie mother if she’s about to eat your still-human, little brother.
B) Stressful survival situations cause changes in the minds and thinking of the people trying to stay alive. You can’t always afford to break down right after you do something horrific (like runover your mom). Sometimes you behave irrationally: frighteningly calm, freakishly violent, find humor in sickening situations, or try to stick to your pre-zombie morals when everything around you is being eaten.
C) Sarah does emotionally react to killing her zombie mom. It's not as extreme as Trevor's reaction and she spends most of that scene's time trying to console her little brother.
D) Sarah’s gun isn’t loaded. She values human(-ish) life and doesn’t want to kill a helpless zombie who was her friend and who might not attack them even if he got untied.
E) Keeping a zombie as a prisoner is actually not a bad idea. You could study and experiment on him: find a *cure*, discover weaknesses, maybe learn that french fries attracts zombies, and that horseradish repels them, etc.

2. I don’t disagree with this one. I didn’t like that two zombies were like Spiderman and one had super-jumping abilities.
If SOME zombies can do inhuman or super-human things, then ALL the zombies should be able to do them. Since all the zombies didn’t climb like Spiderman or jump like kangaroos, then *none* of the zombies should have been able to do it.

For clarification: One Spiderman zombie climbed around on the hospital’s ceiling when everyone first Changed. The super-jumping zombie attacked the Marine in alley outside the radio station. The second Spiderman zombie climbed the bare metal ceiling of the Nike bunker (after they close the metal door but before they discover the secret lab).

3. This point I also agree with. It is improbable but necessary for the story to explain where the virus came from and how the population of Leadville got infected with it.

4. This is another good point. I don’t recall seeing any high (or low tech) locks added to the Nike site by the government scientists who were working there.
I would also like to point out that because omega-zombie Dr. Engel escaped the compound, all the doors must have been unlocked (or he must have remember how to unlock them as a zombie) and that’s why our band of survivors weren’t locked out.

5. I don’t know about this one. How did the writer of this comment judge the DJ’s transformation to be “faster” than the others?

6. If you stop and think about this one, you’ll realize that this same scene plays out in MANY horror and monster movies. Besides, until there is a rabid zombie sticking out of YOUR windshield, you can’t really say what a “normal” reaction is.

7. Nina DID show remorse: she crumpled to the ground crying. She kicked the DJ after stabbing him because her adrenaline was still in full gear and screaming at her to ATTACK!!!

8. See #2

9. There’s a first time for everything. Maybe he had some sort of meat-phobia (that sounds SO stupid) and a distaste of meat was deeply ingrained into his psyche (remember only head-shots “kill” them, so their brain IS important).
There is a phenomena called “cellular memory,” where the recipients of an organ transplant can, for example, start craving the organ donor’s favorite food or crave cigarettes if the donor was a smoker.
Who knows how this *zombie virus* really affects people. Several zombies in this movie do “retain part of themselves from before they were infected.” They shoot guns, are vegetarian, check out hot girl’s asses, they can drive (badly), they hide bodies in closets, navigate hazards in air ducts, use tools (used IV stands to break hospital ceiling and almost get Sarah) and can reason enough to know to play dead when cops' guns are pointed at them and attack when the cops are distracted with their backs turned. Zombie Bud saves Sarah’s life by shooting zombie Dr. Engel, he not only remembered/recognized Sarah, but acted on his feelings using a tool that he aimed and his action did save her life.

10. See #9 and remember: only head shots kill them. They are hurled out of speeding vehicles and thrown out of second/third story windows and get right back up again. If the person was a human genius, he could be a zombie as intelligent as a “slow” human or clever child. Anyway, Dr. Engel was probably shot several times in that scene and none of them were head shots.

11. How did you come to the conclusion that the virus had been “muted” by the bleach? Dr. Logan said that once it enters the bloodstream, there is no treatment.

12. See #9.

13. I don’t think Mr. Leitner was acting “like a douche bag.” His child was sick and a stranger was telling him that, for a very stupid reason, he couldn’t take his son to where he could get the best treatment. His reaction was rude and tactless, but very reasonable considering the circumstances. (And he did apologize to Sarah.) Mrs. Leitner was probably infected/bitten in the hospital, maybe by her son. (Her husband reacted violently to the DJ’s suggestion that she be checked for bites.)

14. “It’s complicated,” is discussed in the DVD commentary. They (I can’t remember exactly who but one of them was one of the people who had the power to make those kinds of script decisions) said that they couldn’t think of a good reason to explain why Sarah’s gun wasn’t loaded, so chose to leave it as “It’s complicated” and let the audience come to their own conclusions.
Sarah and Bud said “It’s complicated,” to Dr. Logan because he was being an *** asking about Sarah's unloaded gun and Bud, "the driver," losing the car keys (which was Logan's fault).
Sarah told Salazar “It’s complicated” (about her issues with her brother, Trevor) because no one *truly* cares why her and her brother were having issues. I think that explaining it in greater depth would detract from the point and theme of the movie, which was to survive the zombies.
It probably stems from their dead father. Sarah’s mom seems like a very passive person. Maybe Sarah had to step up after her father died and grow up fast. Trevor, the baby of the family, was shielded (and maybe coddled) and didn’t mentally mature as much. At least, that's the conclusion I came to.

15. His big sister knows how to “karate chop” people. Passive aggressive is probably the wisest option for him since he stands no chance with physical aggression and would probably get his *** handed to him was overtly verbally aggressive.

16. I agree. It was stupid. No one in real life (running from zombies to underground bunkers that conceal secret labs) would ever leave the keys in the visor. Sarcasm aside, it was necessary for the plot.

17. It’s science-fiction, buddy. Get over it! You were watching a movie where reanimated corpses are attacking people! What did you expect to see?

18. Teenagers ARE stupid douches. SEX, or the prospect of getting some, makes them even stupider douches!

19. I agree. Both are disgusting, but everyone has their limits. I guess Local Girl’s (yes, that IS her movie name) was ok with loogies but had a thing about blood.

20. Why was only Sergeant Rhode's legs mauled?
A) Maybe the zombies who attacked him realized that they didn’t like dark meat. (yes! I DID just make a joke based on the color of his skin!) Maybe he was wearing some kind of tough military vest under his shirt (he seemed like a hard-core guy) or maybe the zombies were distracted by live prey and left before getting to his chest.
B) Anyway, every zombie attack is different. They’re as unique as fingerprints. What? Your science teacher never told you that?

21. In the DVD commentary, the creators of this movies decided that their zombies would burn like phosphorus.

22. I agree. See #2.

23. It does sound like a few laws of science were violated in that scene, *but* See #17.

24. Bravo! I thought I was the only one who noticed that! See #23.

26. The producers wanted the band of survivors to be made of people that we, the audience, could relate to. Most people aren’t tough, black, army Sergeants.

27. No comment.

28. “Black people ALWAYS say…” that’s just insulting! They don’t all talk like that, but I don’t know of any white actors that could pull it off.

29. A)That didn’t happen. You’re mixing two scene together. Sarah DID avoid hitting zombies because they are still “someone,” and she DID smash her Hummer into abandoned vehicles, but she did NOT smash cars to avoid smashing zombies. She smashed the cars to get the zombies clinging to the Hummer to fall off.
B) See #1 B) and C), and keep in mind that she was “born and raised” in this small, isolated town. These zombies that she doesn’t want to run over are her lifelong friends and neighbors.

30. That’s Hollywood, baby! Get used to it.

31. This actually happens a lot in movies. They normally get eaten, killed, or have alien or mutant eggs laid inside them, but because Nina was a major character, she didn’t die.

32. See #9 and #10.

33. See #32. Haven’t you ever seen America’s Funniest Home Videos? Humans aren’t all that great at opening doors either.

34. That is not a fair statement.
They didn’t find proof hidden in a stack of Victoria Secret catalogs that the visiting Russian scientist trapped in the mall with them was involved in the zombies! What I'm trying to say is that they weren't in a random place and some random thing they found implicated a scientist. They were in a lab and found lab-related evidence that implicated the doctor who worked in the lab.
Dr. Logan was shredding *classified* documents, in a filing room, in the *secret* underground lab where he *worked* that he ran to for *protection* and to destroy evidence. Salazar pulled the paper out of a *shredder* and his name was “on every one” of the pieces of paper he was shredding.

How many people A) know about the lab, B) are involved in the lab, AND C) managed to escape the zombies and reach the lab.

35. I LOVE this one so won’t pick on it except to say that she was trying to eat them, not trying to talk to them (obviously).

36. See #18.

37. I agree. See #1

38. See #21.

39. See #20 B)

40. Yes, they will.

41. Maybe the DJ was really unpopular (or controversial) so his glass door was reinforced.

42. Most of them were probably infected with the virus via airborn transmission, just like most of the town was infected. Soldiers are neat and orderly. After the people who weren’t naturally resistance to the virus transformed and mauled the naturally resistant people, they probably straightened things up again. Kyle hid his parents' bodies in the closet and when Sarah drives the Hummer away from the checkpoint you can see that there are bodies hidden in the tarp that gets stuck to Hummer, so why can't soldier zombies straighten up? See #9.

43. Not all zombie-related injuries are immediately fatal. People could have done what Salazar did “jump in the closet when everyone started tripping,” and they simply came out of hiding too soon or were accidentally discovered by the zombies. Maybe they tried to rescue someone and got caught or tried to find the sick family member they came to the hospital with (like Sarah wanted to find her mom).

44. Implementing plans requires Intent and Means. I highly doubt that our survivors were the ONLY PEOPLE who thought of and *wanted* (Intent) to go to the gun shop, but few of the people who thought of it already had guns, Molotov cocktails, and bone saw spears in their possession to fight their way through the zombie hordes. Only our band of survivors had a reinforced Hummer to drive them to the gun store. (Means)

45. See #17.

46. No comment.

47. I agree. The people who do that sort of thing always get killed. (Except Nina.)

48. The cinematographer deliberately did that to the film. Patrick Cady shot some scenes on 16mm film, and before processing the film, put it in an oven and baked it! The film bubbled and tore. The “infected” look (their name for it) happens more often as the film progresses and the town becomes more “infected.” The final seconds of the movie, where the zombie jumps up as the survivors are driving away, is good, easy to find example of the "infected" film. When you watch the movie with DVD commentary, they discuss this at 0:16:00 (16 minutes).

49. He wasn’t a guard, his orders were to “relay the information to the DJ so he could inform the public.”

50. Saying "what the *beep*?" IS a shocked reaction. As for him just “walking back inside,” WHAT was he supposed to do? He’s an obese pothead with no gun! He decided it was too dangerous to try to reach his car and tried to call for help with his phone and over the radio.

51. Did you actually believe that the army is going to announce to the world that there was an outbreak of zombie virus, all hell broke loose, and the town’s population was decimated? No! They told everyone that a virulent strain of the flu appeared in the city and killed the people, but not to worry, everything is under control, the virus is "fully contained," and you aren’t in ANY danger.

52. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Could you please provide some examples.

53. It was necessary for the plot.

54. What are you talking about? When does this happen? The only time anyone is injured in an air duct is when zombie Sergeant Rhodes bites Bud’s hand.

61. What is the definition of a “zombie” anyway? In the "28 Days Later," the rage-infected people aren't dead. Do "zombies" move quickly or slowly? If you cut off a zombie's hand, does the hand keep crawling around? Does their brain have to be destroyed for them to truly "die"? Can they bleed to death? Will a decapitated head stare and snap at you, and will its headless body stumble around?

62. Yep! If everyone in the world became a zombie, there’d be no more racism.

63. See #18, and add the word “love” beside “sex.”

64. Yes, it is.

65. See #63.

66. That is sound advice.

67. Though I don’t think the movie is crap, I do agree that idiots can’t produce good films.

68. Who knows how zombies’ minds works.

69. See #9.

70. How did you come to that conclusion?

71. This wasn’t supposed to be a dangerous situation! This was a “quarantine exercise,” that’s why young, inexperienced reserves were called in to do it. Bud: “I only joined six months ago. You can tell? This is my first time being called out. I kind of wish it was something exciting.”

72. Sarah could have used the gun to bluff any assailants into surrendering. (only she and Bud knew it wasn’t loaded.) And she does know how to "karate chop" people.

73. See #14.

74. See #9.

75. I agree.

76. See #68.

77. False. Ian McNeice’s appearance in two different and unrelated movies should be treated like glimpses into two alternate dimensions.

78. See #68.

79. See #1.

80. The producers wanted his death to motivate the other survivors into taking drastic zombie-toasting action.

81. See #19.

82. “tiny knife”
A) it is a letter opener.
B) until you’ve had a knife (or any other stabbing weapon) pulled on you in a life-threatening way, you don’t realize how intimidating and frightening it actually is.
C) under these circumstances (one armed individual threatening a group), no one wants to make the first move to confront the weapon-holder because they don’t want to get stabbed. Even if everyone jumped Nina at the same time, chances are that *at least* one person would be stabbed and no one wants to be one person who is *definitely* stabbed and the other people who *might* be stabbed.
The odds were two teenagers, one armed vs. a middle-aged married couple and a fat pothead, all unarmed. (essentially two vs two)

I DO have a life. I wrote this because I was procrastinating against something HORRIBLE that is none of your business.


83. The gun shops in small mountain towns are fully stocked with illegal automatic weapons, including an Uzi and AK-47...

84. A 100 pound female, with no military training, can shoot the aforementioned AK-47 with no problem


85) Somehow, after all this, it's STILL complicated

86) If your little brother acts strange, he might turn into a zombie and a semi-interesting plot device but not if he's questioned about it by the girl he's banging - he's been exposed.

87) If you believe in destiny, then 90% of the people you know only exist so they can be killed by zombies. They have no other purpose.

88) Women hate their mothers

89) All teenagers who never handled guns in their entire lives are secretely amazing shots.

90) A group of 'zombies' will have their own version of Neo

When there is no more room in hell, the remakes will walk the Earth.


91.) If a strange man says he'll help you when you are being chased by zombies, he'll push you to save himself.

92.) Apparently bikes cause sibling estrangement.

93.) Throwing a makeshift spear into a zombie's skull is 'pretty gangsta'.

94.) Running your car into a tree to get rid of your brother's friend zombie is apparently a good idea.

95.) It's all cool to keep an infected as long as he's a vegetarian and has a crush on the leader of the party.


96) Zombies will pose for close up shots for a few seconds giving you time to hit them

97) Always open a door and walk about 3 feet into an empty room firing your gun as many times as you can "just incase"


98) If you are in the secret facility were the deadly virus was created do not try to gather information in order to create a vaccine.

99) Secret facilities were biological weapons are created and tested doesn't need to comply OSHA regulations or any other safety standars.



100) Scientist Zombies can roar like Tyrannosaurus rex from Jurassic Park



To be fair, over in the sandbox small children get to be pretty good with an AK. 7.62X39 isn't a hard round to shoot.


How do you kill, one who has no life


How do you kill, one who has no life

Target acquisition, front sight alignment and smooth trigger pull. The same way you kill everything else.


WOW, did you really respond to ALL of those posts & explain them? I didn't hate the film but I found some scenes over the top and silly, I enjoyed it but the original Day and the remake of Dawn were wayyy better IMHO. As for the Ace Ventura joke, that's what it was, just a joke. Everybody remembers him from that movie, which is why it's pretty funny.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


I think we were supposed to come to that conclusion. Bleach was poured on to his wound and as a result, Bud became a docile zombie instead of a threatening one.


Wow. There's so many haters of this movie in this one spot. I like this remake of “Day of the Dead,” (never saw the original) but didn’t love it. I feel like a bunch of people here have ganged up on the movie and it is being unfairly, (and disproportionately) criticized, so I'm going to add my two cents in support and defense of this movie and try to do it in a funny way so that everyone won’t gang up on ME.

Bless you.

Really though, just because people have negative things to say about something doesn't mean they are haters.

I think this is one of the crappest zombies that has been made but I own it on DVD and have watched it at least 10 times, I enjoy it. You can like something but still think its rubbish


Wow. katergator717 is a shithead. Especially with the first one.

A) Yet didn’t run over zombies that were actively killing people because “they are still somebody”. The line that “it wasn’t her” directly contradicts it.
B) ANYBODY would break down and cry after the horrible death of their beloved mother. This is common sense.
C) Censolng someone else is not you reacting their deaths.
D) They never gave a reason why her gun isn’t loaded. In fact the writers themselves have admitted they didn’t come up with a reason.
E) Except that was never stated to be the reason why she kept him alive. She wanted to keep him alive because he was restrained even though he could still bite them. Even though earlier she said that she would kill him when the time comes.


103.....after all this time it is still complicated, and will always be complicated.

104. Hearing her sons voice on the radio will make the zombie mom knownexactly where to go to get to the station.

105. The zombie 'Neo' will rip heads off of any other zombie that tries shooting at him

106. Nick Cannon should keep his skills for talent shows then actual acting in movies.

107. Its nice to see Nck Cannon dressed in something other than ovver the top suits he wears on above mentioned talent show
"You gave him what he asked for...I gave him what he needed!" ~Legion


108 - Just because a black man is taping a blade to a crutch it doesn't mean that he is necessarily making a spear.


108 Finding there is no signal for your phone is more worrying than seeing 2 mauled bodies

109 If you're a woman make sure you have a boyfriend to tell you to come on otherwise it might not occur to you to run away from Zombies.

110. Even if you have seen half the townspeople killed by Zombies if your boyfriend says everything will be OK I promise, believe him.


111) Yes, it's STILL complicated.


112. Black people holding spears pull the race card when you compliment them on their spears.

113. Only meat eating people zombify into meat eating zombies.

114. Vegetarian people zombify into creatures not even interested in vegetable matter

Insert signature here.
