Double-jeopardy DOES apply
Hi guys,
I am studying Law (in Europe though, but double jeopardy works the same).
You can not be tried twice for the same "set of facts".
For example, if you killed somebody, and the prosecution goes for manslaughter, if you're acquitted, the prosecution can not retry you for Murder 2, even if they have new evidence.
The result actually doesn't matter. The fact that the wife ended up dead or not doesn't change the facts.
Therefore, you can not retry him for the same crime, even if you have new evidence. That is as simple as that.
And even if you'd admit there's no double jeopardy, there is still no murder, as she didn't die because of him shooting the gun. The whole story around the guns and all can not be tried again, even with new evidence!
His behavior was an attempted murder, that's it.