MovieChat Forums > Fracture (2007) Discussion > Is Anthony Hopkins the most evil actor o...

Is Anthony Hopkins the most evil actor of all time?

I mean is this guy the most diablical guy ever? He creeps me the he** out because sure Jason or Mike Myers will cut you, but this guy will insult you, frame you, steal your wife, and get you a nice cell with bubba the a** raping clown and then feed you razor blades when you get out. I guess it's because he's a believable smart guy with connections and a man with power is scarier than a guy in a mask.
Anyway the movie was good. The gun switch was a far stretch for sure and I knew it all along but man you got to be crazy and super smart to plan all that out becuase it's a one in a million shot pretty much. So the movie doesn't get an 8 from me because we all know this kinda guy would have planned it a lot better than that and no one would have found out she even died.

"I click on certain links like IMDB and get these crap spamtype websites, is anyone else experiencing this? Please let me know."


He was absolutely fantastic in "Shadowlands", where he played C.S. Lewis.


I gotta check that out, thanks

*Reminder, bitchin is cool, my wifes bitchin ain't.

If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels.
-Prince Phillip


Oh yes ! And what about in "the Remains of the Day" ?


Hopkins has this amazing ability with speech which not all actors possess. When someone has this gift for delivering a speech it opens the possibility to be both the most heartwarming man in world or the biggest monster. Hopkins has done both many many times. I often say about Hopkins that he is one of my favorite actors because he did both Hannibal Lecter and the narration in The Grinch. How different are those roles...


one word: DEXTER!


I remember someone once saying that the reason why Brit's are good villans in American films (Hopkins, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman) is because they have this perception that we aren't to be trusted. Not to mention the accent as well.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off was convincing the world he doesn't exist.


Max Von Sydow.

even when he's not playing a bad guy, i dont trust him.

--Where the hell's the records room??--


lol @ dexter and anthony hopkins in the same sentence


How about Ralph Fiennes? Schindler's List and Voldemort.


Hannibal Lecter /thread


I think Hopkins plays good guys more often than people think.

Its that man again!!


Like Col. William Ludlow in Legends of the Fall--loved him in that.

"No more half-measures."


We are one of the nicest countries on the planet.
Polite, generous to a fault, have a low crime rate, don't shoot up schools, are warm and welcoming to foreign guests, have introduced the rule of law, independent systems of courts, parliamentary democracy all over the world, stand up and by our allies ...
What did we do to p!ss everyone off in the USA?
Tax tea?
