*** SPOILERS ***
It's not your imagination. In the DVD commentary they talk about this. During the "confrontation" in Lou's office where she first tells them to change the ending, the director claims he has *already* toned down the ending from his initial concept. When the film is shown at Cannes, he has returned it to his original full "artistic" vision, and the dog takes a barrage of gunshots.
On the DVD there are deleted scenes of an alternate ending that tell us "Fiercely" became the salvation of the studio - the runaway hit of the year, grossing almost $500,000,000. It was hailed as a boundary breaking, artistic tour de force; a breakthrough that would change the way movies were made, etc. Lou was accepting awards for her courage in allowing such artistic freedom at her studio. Bruce Willis signed a new three year contract with the agent who was so worried about losing the client who paid his mortgage. The crazy director had a complete meltdown, went off the wagon, and was seen staring at himself in a mirror, dressed in some kind of 70's hippie style women's clothing with smeared make up. Ben, who was back on the A-list, said he wouldn't mind working with him again.