I don't get the hate either. It's a harmless, funny movie. Robert De Niro is really great, they all are actually. I don't understand how anyone could have such a strong dislike for it. I expected people to enjoy seeing this side of Hollywood. The problems with getting a movie made are interesting to me, thrown in with the personal problems that are the result of having to deal the professional ones. And there is a plot. I don't know why anyone would see this film if they weren't interested this kind of stuff.
And no one can even say what sucked about it, just that it sucked. What was so bad about it exactly? How is the cast wasted? I'm confused also because it's not like this is fluff and I can admit it's just a guilty pleasure. I don't think it was trying to be too hard to be funny or hip either, they let the craziness of the situations speak for themselves.
#51"That's right, one can make all kinds of explosives using simple household items"