MovieChat Forums > What Just Happened (2008) Discussion > one strange thing in this film - spoiler...

one strange thing in this film - spoilers....

the Canne screening should have showed the cut with the licking dog rather than the director's preferred version.

its the one thing that let this film down. a shame.


Ah seems you missed the point. That scene was highlighting the constant power struggle of directors' artistic integrity versus the studio heads' eye on the bottom line. The director had made the cut the studio requested in order to avoid having the film be pulled from Cannes (not to mention he was strung out on any number of drugs and alcohol) Seems he either had the intention all along or a last minute rebellious epiphany to not only put in his original ending but add to the violence after the studio OK'd it to be shipped to screen at Cannes but before prints were made for the screening. Essentially he snuck "the director's cut" back in to the film as a way to A. preserve his integrity and B. give a big F You to the studio heads. You get an idea this is coming from his intro speech before the film screens.
