of people who rather enjoyed this film.....I thought the acting was spot on and the direction was excellent. I loved all members of the cast and found myself laughing a few times....I thought the ending fit. I have not read the book...but I liked the film.
I sort of liked this film also. It's funny you should mention JCVD because there was a similar theme, or side-theme, (bringing out some of reality of behind-the-scenes Hollywood issues). I did not think JCVD was a "great" movie, but certainly, on balanced, I also sort of liked it.
I saw both films recently on Netflix Instant Watch... that's pretty much my own main movie-distribution outlet these days. There is a third "slice-of-reality of behind-the-scenes Hollywood" movie which I half-saw long ago called "I'll Do Anything" with Nick Nolte and Albert Brooks and I'm thinking now to go back and watch it.
I first tried this movie last year and gave up as soon as they did that nastiness in the movie-within-the-movie. That may all sound silly, when one realizes that a point of the film is to examine how to eliminate that nastiness, but I have a hair-trigger on not watching movies where I don't think I'm in good hands with a director, and so I was momentarily mistaken.
Anyway, I got over it this time and scrolled through tiny portions and watched the rest. I thought the story line with Robin Wright Penn was not bad. She acted well and I'll now do more to look out for her.
I want generally to stay away from bothering about someone else's private life, but I have to wonder to what extent (if any) there were any parallels between the movie marriage and the Robin Wright Penn - Sean Penn marriage.
It's not that the acting was bad or even the directing. It's just that, you can only make something so interesting with a script like that. Sorry, excellent cast and acting does not always lead to an excellent film.
I liked it alot as well.... one of my favorites... 9/10 and is on my top 150 of all time... DeNiro and Keener were great while the british director was great too, forget the actors name, guy from robin hood movie from early 90s...