MovieChat Forums > What Just Happened (2008) Discussion > Why do the staff applaud Bruce Willis wh...

Why do the staff applaud Bruce Willis when he shaves?

I don't understand... Shouldn't everyone treat him like an idiot for putting everyone's jobs at stake?

What's the train of thought in this scene?


no because it means the production can start on schedule and they can get paid

No Justice Just Us


I'm not questioning the staff's happiness, I'm only questioning why they are so happy at Bruce Willis.

Am I the only one who thinks everyone should treat him like an idiot who just did something he was supposed to?


Previous guy said it pretty well. I'd also add that they'd probably like to keep the talent happy.
So the film is a success and everyone gets paid doesn't come out with a bad rep for working on a s()t film
sleepy dinosaur


The whole point about it is respecting an artist's right to do whatever the *beep* they wanna do and still trying to convince him to do exactly the opposite.

Yes, Bruce was supposed to shave long before that, but he was THE star, they had to make him believe that and treat him accordingly.


I'm not trying to be rude, but do you have a job where you work for someone?
Maybe your are independantly wealthy, or work for yourself. If not, then I suspect you do not have a job.
So by your sensbilities, even once Bruce shaved off the beard, the staff should have treated him like crap for being a prima donna. That will get all of them far.


No. If the collective mind acts the same way, it forces its environment to change. That's basically what a strike intends to produce for example (of course, not all strikes are honest and fair).

One way of seeing this is that since Bruce is the "star", he has power, and thus going his opposite way will produce negative results, ie. "they won't get the employees far" like you say.
Another way of seeing it is to simply realize the truth, Bruce Willis is just an actor, a good one, a great one perhaps, but still, just an entertainer.

This is just my point of view, I really don't want to start a debate over an internet board, so, just take it or leave it and please try to keep it polite :)


I think that everybody was just happy that the film wasn't going to be derailed due to a grizzly beard. Another way to look at it is to think of it from Bruce Willis's perspective. First of all, I think he was just toying with the producers and the studio to make them a little nervous. At one point in the film he talks about them having 'buyers remorse' over hiring him for $20 million dollars. In Hollywood there are some studio heads that view an actor as 'product' and in some cases they are treated as such. I would think that at times an actor would want to remind the powers that be that that actor IS human. What better way to do that than by getting a pot-belly and growing a giant, fuzzy, furry beard right before shooting a multi-million dollar budgeted movie that does not particularly require those attributes. I think Bruce just wanted to shake them up a little is all.
