Too bad Sean Penn is in this...
Robert De Niro is one of my favs, but with Penn in it, I refuse to watch it.
shareRobert De Niro is one of my favs, but with Penn in it, I refuse to watch it.
I hate him too...he's a commie moron.
I might watch it for everyone else though.
"I rule!" -Lester Burnham
Sean Penn is one of the most astoundingly talented individuals out there - not seeing something because he is in it is the most absurd thing I ever heard!
Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina.
Penn is not only an assbag, a hypocrite and a prick but also an overrated, hammy, over-the-top actor that can't act sh!t out of a paper bag. This movie may be pointless, but all the scenes NOT featuring Penn were watchable for me.