Yes, what DID happen?

Anything at all? Is that the, uh, "point"?

And when did Bob De Niro and Bruce Willis turn into two of the most listless actors around? Are they insisting on only filming after eating sizeable high carb meals?


That was precisely my sentiment as well. At the end of the movie all I could think was, "err... indeed, what just happened?"

Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina.


Seriously. You'd think that someone at the studio might have said, "hey guys, how about we just hedge our bets and don't give this film a title which everyone will make fun of if this movie turns out to be a pointless waste of time."

This film really represents the worst that can happen when Hollywood makes a movie about Hollywood. It's a tedious string of in jokes and completely uninteresting antecdotes about the movie business with no real story. Even those working in Hollywood are going to find this tedious (I can't imagine what the general public would feel about it).

Worst of all is the complete lack of an ending. When the credits rolled, I actually went back and watched the last scene again because I was sure I had missed something. After my second viewing, I was just amazed that anyone would think this was a story worth telling. Was this film a joke? Did they think it was funny to leave the audience asking "what just happened?"



I agree with beiefilms. I felt I missed something. I had to rewind it a bit, but nope that is how it ends. It left me with such a "WTF?" feeling.
Glad I watched it on netflix so all I lost was time.
I think this is the first film with Mr. De Niro that I disliked... no nah I HATED!
But every good actor has a flop movie every now and then.


These are very good performances OP. Just cos they are not full of action dosent mean they are rubbish.
