Favorite Scene

Does anybody else think the scene with Septimus throwing the runes up in the air and Michelle Pfeiffer catching them and giving that cheeky smile, one of the best parts of the movie.
Overall, i think the movie's pretty dull, but that one part was really well done. Everything bt that scene was great, from the pirates of the caribean type music, to the slow motion technique and the epic background scenery.
Shame, the quality went down after that. Well, the corpse sword fight scene was okay, but thats bt it.


I disagree with your opinion on the rest of the movie. I really enjoyed the whole thing, it's one of my favorites. But I do agree with that scene being one of the best. I love the whole scene, even when Lamia turns to leave and the wind is blowing. It's so beautiful.

"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become."


I loved the whole movie but yes, Septimus questioning the soothsayer was awesome. "Do you work for my brother?" - gives me chills.


It's funny when picking a favourite scene, because usually the first one to pop into your head is the winner. For me, it was when they were all on Captain Shakespeare's vessel and Tristan dances with Yvainne and she starts to glow.


There are a lot of favorite scenes in the movie, but one of my favorites is at the end when Tristan comes around the corner in the castle to rescue Yvaine and the way that Yvaine glows with hope and smiles as she whispers "Tristan". Talk about a simultaneously dramatic and romantic moment! What a way to be rescued!


When they look at Tristans ruby and in the next scene you can see him wearing a crown...
