regardless as to the "height" of homophobia here, no one has adressed the original question (tho i stopped reading answers after half a dozen since no one seems interested in the question or how it was presented but rather far more interested in blathering about what they want to ...
the original poster did not express any homophobia whatsoever in their original request ... rather, he said he loved the character in question ... he said it was only 'a surprise', much like the twists or what-have-you included in most any film ... frankly, every poster SINCE the original poster have been typing their little fingers off about what they think about all the homophobia on the board or how the ending was different or other aspects of the book were different than the movie or how something or other was an "outrage" when i don't see the word "outrage" in any post prior to its usage in the poster's post that asked how something could be an outrage (tho I suppose it could have been included in a prio post that was deleted by an admin before I happened upon this thread looking for informaion about the movie) ...
but god forbid anyone answer poor Firebender17's original question as to whether any other viewers of the movie thought that a chacater's wink toward another was a lean toward homosexuality or if it was simply a wink ... no one has seemed interested in that question since it was posted (or at least since i stopped reading in annoyance)
well, i haven't decided whether to watch the movie so I can only hope, Firebender17, that somehow, some way, you received some answer or opinions or a bit of discusson on your original question ... my level of tolerance with people ignoring whatever the thread has been created for so they can jibber and jabber about something other than the point, something they find lends tenor to their writing far better than the original question
best of luck, Firebender17 and if i ever watch the movie, i'll drop you a note and let you know what impression i was left with ...