simon's rant changed?

in K & R part ii we see simon ranting at the press about being asked if the news that tom's brother was captured was released to boost ratings..his rant as shown doesn't include the phrase "no wonder they want to kill us, i want to kill us" that jack rudolph quotes in the next episode...i seem to remember that when it aired the rant DID include that phrase...does anyone know if it was changed on the dvd and if so, why?


iv only ever seen the DVD version so i couldnt comment on whether the aired version was different but it wouldnt surprise me if it was.

maybe it was changed due to complaints...


I remember watching this show when it was originally airing...glad to see it came out on DVD. This is one of those shows like arrested development and ED where it never got the support and acclaim that it deserved. Great show.

If I remember correctly, DL hughleys character did say that phrase when being interviewed (correct me if I'm wrong but i think it was the episode where everybody on the show was trying to stay inside, or sneak out of the building to avoid reporters and DL hughley decided to just go out and speak his mind) haven't seen the show since it's original airing...but i do remember that phrase coming out of his mouth.


yeah, he does say it and then jack rudolph repeats it many many times over the last two episodes...which is why it doesn't make much sense that they would cut it from the dvd episode but i have watched it again and sure enough, it isn't in there...i wonder why?


Actually I'm reasonably sure he never said it on tv where we saw it. We've mentally put the words in his mouth, but at the time it aired I remember going 'um why is Jack saying he said that, must've been off camera but Simon said it to the press'. This is like how everyone is convinced Kirk said "Beam me up, Scotty" when he never once uttered the phrase, or "Play it again, Sam" which wasn't a line in Casablanca.

"Do you think the world is crawling with Phyllises?"


I just went back and watched the original recording I made off NBC. He didn't say it. IMHO Jack was telling Simon "Here's how what you said will play in people's minds."
