It's Like a 900 Minute movie

It has its whole beginning middle and end, the story arch's are all closed up, with the exception of some side plots which probably would've played to political fodder later on--FCC fine for soldier's language. If you watch the whole series like a 17 or so hour movie, it actually tops the list of most things I've seen. The show was just brilliant, it's so depressing that it got depressed, with such brilliant writing, it's so sad that this failed and that peace of crap show 30 Rock is still going, even when Studio 60 had higher ratings than 30 Rock. Studio 60's major audience was upper middle class educated people, the smallest audience in the world, and did exactly what Wes said television was doing, "Lobotomizing us."

This was so brilliant, it's sad it got cancelled, but at least the whole things on DVD.


I definitely agree, except for the part about "30 Rock" being a "piece of crap show".

It seems as if TV shows are held to a lower standard than are movies in terms of writing, but this is one of the few TV dramas I've seen, and the ONLY one on network television (save for "The West Wing", of course), that features writing of the highest caliber. Phenomenal


This semester I'm taking a sociology of media class and everyday I find myself thinking about Studio 60 when I'm sitting in class. Everything the professor talks about I can relate back to something that happened in the show, and I just love how real Studio 60 was.


Don't quite get that last sentence where you say Studio 60 was lobotomizing us. Huh?

(The first part - totally agree - great observation.)


I was saying generally, 30 Rock was the lobotomizing piece of television. It's the exact same thing as Studio 60, but dumber. What makes it sad is that Studio 60 out performed 30 Rock, but cost more, so they stuck with the show that underperformed, because it was cheaper. It seems an act of lobotomy to me.

I've been watching 30 Rock, I don't like it, compared to Sutdio 60 I wish there were 3 or 4 seasons of studio 60 over 3 seasons of 30 Rock.


30 Rock and Studio 60 are nothing alike. 30 Rock is a "comedy" with a cast of caricatures while Studio 60 is a drama with elements of comedy with a cast of characters.


Yeah, I don't think you can really compare the two. I also don't think that it was 'one of the other'. Part of the problem was it was an expensive show to make, and it was the victim of sliding ratings throughout it's run--it just couldn't find a stable audience. A real shame--I just watched the whole series streamed on Netflix, and it's simply marvelous.


It was like a really long movie. It was absolutely fantastic, and i remember being soooo disappointed after i watched all of it and realised it had stopped.

it's a born showtime show. it should have been picked up by that network and given the works. californication has the things now that would have made studio 60 a total success.

and 30 rock is *beep* awful. it's the new everyone loves raymond.


Comparing 30 Rock to raymond are you a *beep* moron? Of course I love S60, but Tina Fey is the best comedy writer around at the moment by leagues and leagues. Watch again and actually listen to the dialogue maybe.


I love the title of this thread. So true. Aaron Sorkin is a freakin' genious! American President, Sports Night, The West Wing and Studio 60.

"if 'ifs' & butts, were candy & nuts, we'd all have a merry christmas."
