It's Like a 900 Minute movie
It has its whole beginning middle and end, the story arch's are all closed up, with the exception of some side plots which probably would've played to political fodder later on--FCC fine for soldier's language. If you watch the whole series like a 17 or so hour movie, it actually tops the list of most things I've seen. The show was just brilliant, it's so depressing that it got depressed, with such brilliant writing, it's so sad that this failed and that peace of crap show 30 Rock is still going, even when Studio 60 had higher ratings than 30 Rock. Studio 60's major audience was upper middle class educated people, the smallest audience in the world, and did exactly what Wes said television was doing, "Lobotomizing us."
This was so brilliant, it's sad it got cancelled, but at least the whole things on DVD.