MovieChat Forums > Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (2006) Discussion > New list: Top 10 Sorkin Characters

New list: Top 10 Sorkin Characters nt-312878

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Sam Seaborn not being on this list is criminal. Top 3.


I am a West Wing fanatic and Sam barely makes my Top 10 for THAT show. Ahead I have, in no order, CJ, POTUS, Toby, Josh, Donna, Leo, Charlie, Mrs Landingham, Ainsley Hayes. Then Sam.

It's weird too. I liked Sam, and the show was designed to revolve around HIM, but I felt his character, while well portrayed, never got to be as endeared to me as the others. Perhaps Rob Lowe felt the same being he left the show.


Sam barely makes my Top 10
well, that's just bad on so many levels.


Yeah, I didn't think Sam was that great. Kind of a light weight intellectually, I felt.

I really liked Josh Molina's character from Sports Night. He'd be my #2 behind Bartlett. Toby would be in my top ten, too.
