MovieChat Forums > Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (2006) Discussion > For fans of Studio 60 and The Newsroom.....

For fans of Studio 60 and The Newsroom...

Quick poll here for discussion. Which opening pilot scene do you think is better, Studio 60 or The Newsroom? I think both are incredible in their own way, and you can tell by the writing that Sorkin really wants America to reflect upon itself and see what it values.


Loved them both - hard to choose but I loved Studio 60 a bit more than the Newsroom so I'd pick that




Wow, that's like asking if you want to live with your mother or your father. Why would you put us in that position?!!!

Kidding. I'm going to have to go with Studio 60 on that one. There was more to the setup and while I hate using this word, it didn't come off AS "preachy." I know that's a popular word to describe Aaron Sorkin but I don't care. I like it. They're just mad that he can craft a killer speech.

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


Talking about speeches, he should join a presidential campaign. Oh, there's one coming up! :)


Really tough choice OP.

Maybe Newsroom, only because it was a thrill and a surprise to see Jeff Daniels in such a big TV role, and because it was a great opening with the America is not the greatest country in the world anymore speech.

Sam Waterston and Jeff on screen together was magic.

Still, it's a very close call.

Both were great shows!


I think the newsrooms was better but I might like studio 60 better.



I liked them both, but I have to give the edge to Studio 60, mainly because i thought The Newsroom should have focused more on the news, and less on the romantic relationships of the cast. I got sick of Emily Mortimer shouting confidential information about her and Jeff Daniel's relationship in front of everyone. Also got tired the blonde one, and Jim, and would they get together. Didn't care. Also, I do have a crush on Amanda Peet. I mean, how could you not?

Finally, the last episode of The Newsroom really pissed me off. I couldn't believe they wasted so much time with Jeff Daniels singing and playing guitar. Instead of Sorkin's brilliant dialogue taking down the backward/cruel conservative ideology piece by piece, we had to sit through minutes and minutes of pedestrian singing by Daniels. Nothing against him, but I'd much rather see him act, for which he gets paid!
