MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2008) Discussion > Was Ben cleaned up for the US remake?

Was Ben cleaned up for the US remake?

It seemed like the lead character in the original was much more despicable. He had a secret relationship with the girl and when the others decide to rape her, for no other reason than she's an outcast, he watches and eventually takes the blackmail photos. Megumi was a stalker because of a family death? It didn't ring true. I think they had the potential to bring some interesting subtext to the story by having Ben be ashamed of his sexual relationship with a Japanese girl only to marry a white girl but it wasn't even explored because we're told that they were a public couple. The original had him refusing to help because he was embarrassed about the relationship and didn't want to admit it to his friends. For Ben to stand there and do nothing didn't make dramatic sense, to me anyways.


Funnily enough, I actually thought the opposite(and had my own thread about it.) In the original, Tun(guy) wasn't exactly a role model, but I highly doubt he'd ever go out of his way to harm the attached girl. He may have been embarrased if his friends knew, but that's not the end of the world. And because of this, his scene played out completely different than Ben's in the remake.

In the original, there was no plot for a date-rape. Things got out of hand, and Tun walked in on his friends harassing the girl. Out of the blue, the friends tell Tun to snap some photos of the moment. Tun didn't know what to do, and was ultimately peer pressured into taking the pictures.

Ben's scenario, on the other hand, was different in that it was preemptive. Ben actually drugged Megumi himself, and went along with the plan. He may have had some regret in the moment, but he knew all along what was going to happen and he did nothing to stop it.

Then I posed a question like yours. Except mine was along the lines of "Even though there is never any excuse for this type of behavior, does anyone else feel more apathetic towards Tun instead of Ben based solely on the actions they took prior to the event?"

Basically, Ben is a shady guy. He's willing to drug a girl, covers things up, and lie to everyone including his wife. Tun just got caught in the heat of the moment, and had to live with the guilt.


I think you meant empathy rather than apathy?

Open your eyes INFORMED!




I felt the Amerimake was watered down-especially in regards to Ben/Tun.

"...Ben be ashamed of his sexual relationship with a Japanese girl only to marry a white girl but it wasn't even explored because we're told that they were a public couple."

I like this idea, but again it was really watered down and the main characters felt like token Americans in Tokyo.


"I like this idea, but again it was really watered down and the main characters felt like token Americans in Tokyo."

I don't see it this way, simply because this barrier(interracial relationship) did not exist in the original, so to take time out of the remake's already stretched plotline seems counterproductive.
