MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2008) Discussion > Things about these kinds of movies that ...

Things about these kinds of movies that p*ss you off

Eh, without going into details about how lame this film was, there's a few things that horror movies do that are pretty dumb and don't make any sense.

For example, one of the main things that always irks me is when something obviously supernatural/weird happens and someone (or everyone) goes about their day as if nothing happened at all.

For example, when the guy was developing the film in the darkroom and the water suddenly splashed back in his eyes...or the time when he actually saw the ghost sitting in the chair, he goes back to work the next day like normal. Other movies tend to do the same thing.

Additionally, one scene in this movie that seemed to make no sense was when they were asleep, and he wakes up screaming (after the ghost attempts to molest him in his sleep), and the girl asks "what's wrong?" ...wouldn't the fact that a ghost is haunting them be the inferred answer?

five midgets
spanking each other
covered in thousand island dressing
is that love?


i agree, this movie failed (though i love the original)

what ticks me off (or makes me lol) is the 'slow-headturn' that the main characters do whenever something out of their line of sight catches their attention.

i notice this in a lot of movies, i guess it's for dramatic effect.

but the 2 leads do this A LOT in this flick and it's not just a slow turn - it's a slooooooowwwwww turn. Most people wouldn't do this in real life.

i'm like, "Oh, just turn your f-ckin' head already!!!"

Wishing that heroes, they truly exist (since 2000)


haha, yep...forgot about the slooooowwwww head turn. So true

five midgets
spanking a man
covered in thousand island dressing
is that love?


There's another annoying sloooow head turn in "The Messengers" with Kristin Stewart. Only she refuses to turn her head for the longest time because she knows it's there. Wouldn't you want to give yourself as much time as possible to run away from the ghost, instead of staying put, waiting for it to catch up with you?!?!?

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Edison


LOL. So true. Either way, I could video record my ex girlfriend for 5 days and make a much scarier film than this.

Ignore the smoke.


This movie and Fatal Attraction are also inaccurate as painting all spurned women as homicidal stalkers. In actuality, probably at least 90% of dangerous stalkers are men.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Edison


Guys have a tendency to call ex-girlfriends crazy whenever they talk about them. Every male friend I've ever had, has had about a dozen crazy girlfriends. Go figure.

__ __ __
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


I didn't realize this movie was supposed to be a documentary. If as you say 90% of stalkers are male that leaves 10% who are female. This movie is about one of them.

I must have missed the part where they claim she represents all women.


Yeah, it's that 10% which you need to worry about. :)
They don't stuff like this about men: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


What pisses me off more than anything about these types of horror films is the fact that the character believe that burying (or cremating) the ghost's body ends the haunting.

When, if anything, it just ramps it up!

So, in reality, we know that if you have a ghost haunting you, whatever you do, do NOT bury or cremate it.


I don't want the world. I just want your half.


If you have a ghost haunting you in reality, see a psychiatrist, because ghosts don't exist.
