MovieChat Forums > Ant-Man (2015) Discussion > most unrealistic of any comic book movie...

most unrealistic of any comic book movie yet

Yes, I know it's fantasy, and you can't watch a super hero movie and expect the characters and events to obey the laws of physics, and there's character who have super powers and stuff, but of all the comic book movies I've seen over the past decade, this is the most unrealistic.
I haven't seen any superman movies because I can't enjoy a movie about a guy who is basically a god and only has one weakness, but that's another point.

An ant-sized guy knocking a guy out with a punch? A fist the size of a head of pin doing that? You could shoot an object that size out of a special cannon, and it would not knock a guy down. Maybe pierce the skin, but not have the force as a punch thrown by a full sized man.

Of all the super heroes, I think Ant-Man is the lamest. It's like Marvel ran out of ideas.

Why can't thy try to make a decent Daredevil movie instead?

Don't hate on contrarians


Well, they don't need to do a Daredevil movie. They've already got the Netflix series, and it's awesome.

I guess there's nothing anyone can say that could sway you about your dislike of characters like Ant-Man and Superman.

You're pretty much implying that anything more fantastical just doesn't float your boat. So you're probably never going to be able to properly suspend your disbelief enough to enjoy them.

I'm not trying to hate, I guess I just don't understand the point of the post. It's a movie about a man with a shrinking-suit who commands ants... what's the point in saying it's "unrealistic" as though that's a bad thing? Plus given the character has existed for like 50 years, it's definitely not that they ran out of ideas.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


In the world of comics, Ant-Man is not a major figure.

Yes, I know that when it comes to super-heroes, we have to suspend some disbelief, but all of it?

Don't hate on contrarians


In the world of comics, Ant-Man is not a major figure.

Well, that's honestly debatable. But even still... so what? What does this have to do with anything? Are you trying to say minor or supporting characters can't be good or important?

Yes, I know that when it comes to super-heroes, we have to suspend some disbelief, but all of it?

Well first, you're not suspending all of your disbelief to enjoy a film like Ant-Man, and second... What's wrong with the idea of suspending all of your disbelief outside of personal taste issues? You seem pretty hellbent on demonizing the idea of films that aren't overly realistic/grounded. Which is really just limiting yourself in terms of your entertainment.

I really get the feeling the movie just didn't float your boat and you're just trying to come up with an analytical reasoning to justify it. If you don't like more fantastical fiction, that's totally fine. But to chastise the film for doing what it set out to do (that being to provide a fun and entertaining tale based around a fantastical idea) is just... odd and misguided.

The world of entertainment would be all the poorer and far less appealing if entertainment that centered on fantastical ideas that require suspension of disbelief were looked down on.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


It's clear your don't understand the character or comics so with that being said do your homework before you post stupid comments.


Yes, I know that when it comes to super-heroes, we have to suspend some disbelief, but all of it?

Actually, there is quite a bit of science... Ant-Man's ability is based on Relative Atomic Mass and topologies such as the Einstein–Rosen Bridge... Yeah sure, those who fully understand it, will completely discombobulate Ant-Man, haha... However, the menial fundamentals are there... Kind of like Interstellar... Though yes, the 2 movies shouldn't even be compared.

Ant-Man isn't about size, it's more about atomic distribution, and it's measuring theory... Based on that, suspending your disbelief, can be as permanently temporary as you want it to be... You know...


Good post, cureyosity!


I don't think the OP's point was so much "it's impossible to shrink like that" or "if you could, you wouldn't weigh the same". I'm willing to accept those things. Your atoms get closer together, okay: fine. (I do like the acknowledgement that this would be particularly tough for organic matter to remain alive, but okay: Pym solved that problem somehow.) So now you're more dense. You're a 180 pound man the size of an ant. Disbelief suspended.

But then you have to be internally consistent and follow your own rules. But last I checked, a flying ant can't carry 180 pounds. Or for the best (worst) example, how about when he first shrinks? He smashes through a floor or two, which I really liked because that might indeed happen with a small object so dense if it had some velocity and momentum going. But then when he reaches the record player, instead of smashing through the record and the player itself, it doesn't even stop playing! Say what?

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Another idiot for the Ignore list.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


I guy has an opinion, and he's an "idiot for the ignore list"? Please ignore me, it would be an honor.



Based on your description of the film, I wouldn't like it, either.

But having very likeable stars in a film makes a huge difference. That's why this film works.
