MovieChat Forums > Ant-Man (2015) Discussion > a highly entertaining film and great fun

a highly entertaining film and great fun

Ant-Man is without a doubt proof that we can have fun in a film yet still deliver smarts and a bit of pathos. We've finally moved past the era in which directors default to the gritty superhero dark and gloomy BS. Comic book films have proven themselves as an inventive art form and one to be respected. Sure, we'll get a George Clooney Batman once in a while and dark one note crap like Man of Steel on the other spectrum but then we get great films like this one that embraces everything fun films have to offer. It even embraces the goofiness. That's a sign of not only good writing but confidence in your material and your actors. This is how entertainment is done. They do deliver everything I wanted to see.


It's a heist movie…a damn fun heist movie awesome explosions, ant armies and charm out the wazzu. It's extremely well directed and acted and has the soul to match its heart.


All I have to say is WOW!

Took my kids and my Niece to see Ant-Man and EVERYONE loved it!

My ONLY issue was there wasn't more of Hank and Janet as Ant-man and Wasp. I REALLY hope they do more of them.

I accept your surrender.


Ant-Man finds the perfect balance between adventure and humour and shows that maybe Marvel aren’t out of ideas when it comes to big-screen adaptations of their creations.


Film Theory: Marvel's Ant-Man Could KILL Us All!

He may be Marvel's mot underrated and thus powerful heroes when you think about his powers. He could even enter Thor's brain and do a lot of damage.


Then they should have found a better, more charismatic actor and better, cleverer writers. Look, I'm a Marvel (Avengers movies) fan; but, this not only is their worst effort, it is far behind the rest.


Note to self: buy more cheese.


I'm still super hyped for this! Why would my Ant-Love go away?


Antman was one of those "why I go to movies, movies. Action, adventure, fun, laugh more than you cringe, the right level of somber moments and just the right amount of cheese (necessary for all great movies.) I rate this right up there with Avengers and Guardian of the Galaxy for just plain fun watchability.

Thanks Marvel. Now go make more.


As soon as I got out of the theater (after dat chillling credits teaser) I immediately wanted them to hit the play button and see the movie again.

This is probably the marvel movie that can be the most rewatched and that is the beauty of heist and caper movies like that.


It's still hard to believe that Ant-Man came through and delivered one of the best movies of the entire year. Who could have ever predicted that one?


Fans knew the real deal and never had a doubt. As long as they stayed close to the books they were always alright.


Yeah, I get tired of the people predicting the end of CBMs

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


Nothing has been more fun this year. Some other good ones but nothing as balanced.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


Why was Bill O'Reilly in Iron Man 2 but never seen again in the MCU? Was he Hydra? Would Hank Pym know him?


One does not fall in love with Marvel; one grows into love with Marvel, and that love grows in him with every film released.


Why would anyone need more than entertainment and fun when watching a superhero movie?


Because not everyone is 12? Or has the attention span of one?

If I don't reply, you're most likely on my ignore list


Are you still hating on Evangeline Lilly and that's your only reason for being bitter?


Huh? WTF are you talking about? I didn't have a problem with her in this movie. The character was forgettable. But that's the screenwriter's problem

If I don't reply, you're most likely on my ignore list


Ant-Man is still in my top five films of the entire year.

That's awards worthy good.


Same with me.

I give a lot of credit to lead actor Paul Rudd, because he's just super enough. When he is supposed to be just an ordinary guy having trouble he's just an ordinary guy, and when he is supposed to be the Ant-Man, with an ability to use the suit for far more than an ordinary person or even another superhero could get out of it he's all of that, and it's absolutely clear that these two characters are one.



A man should always consider how much he has more than he wants.


ANT-MAN AND THE WASP is all I want at this point. Bring on full Wasp action.


Fans wanted to see Wasp in Civil War but I want to see her introduced in her own film before any Avengers stuff. You have to intro Black Panther and zip Spidey in there. Can't jam everything in to 2 hours.
