Running time, cuts

This is repeating on Australian TV starting tonight 3/Feb/10.
Is there a way to tell if the episodes are edited/cut or not?
Like if someone gave an exact running time, or a known edit to check for?

I wanted to collect the eps from TV in good quality, since the DVDs don't contain the original music, and wanted to make sure it's complete.

I noticed they made minor trims to Ashes to Ashes season 2 on Aus TV, for some reason, and was disappointed.
They did this even though it has an hour timeslot without commercials, so cuts were very small, but still there. I wondered if this was/would be the same with Life On Mars. (Airing on ABC)




Is what I thought, but the couple of scenes I noticed they cut from an episode of Ashes To Ashes would have maybe added up to a minute. Very minor, but still annoying.
So if that were the case here, you probably wouldn't notice by the running time.

Ultimate goal, just for something to do, is that I wanted to take the menus and special features from the commercial DVDs, but put episodes recorded from TV instead, to include the original soundtrack.
In my mind that would be the ultimate set, but kind of defeats the purpose if there's bits cut out.


I just finished LoM on my own only to discover - Wait, the ABC's airing it again! Now I want to watch Ashes to Ashes but the ABC finished airing that weeks ago. Just my luck...

"Lots of planets have a north!"


I'm still pissed they cut bits.
It's possible they'll go to Ashes after Life On Mars finishes again.

