Should a series take place between Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes?
As in on the time line between 1973 and 1980 where Sam and Annie are still around. In Ashes to Ashes it was explained that Sam's car crash was a cover up for him to reach heaven at the hands of archangel Gene Hunt, but I always wanted to see Sam's realisation and his goodbye to Gene as well as them having one last hoorah in what was a great friendship and working relationship. I always felt Sam was a far greater and stronger character than Alex and felt robbed when him and Annie didn't make an appearance in A2A. Having said that, especially with Life on Mars, they closed the door on it just at the right time, it left you wanting more and that's always the best time to pull the plug. So what do you think? Would you be invested in a new series if they could and did bring it back? Renamed something else of course, but perhaps carrying on from where it left off or towards the end of Sam's limbo in 1980.