MovieChat Forums > Knocked Up (2007) Discussion > Joanna Kerns's Character (Alison's Mom)

Joanna Kerns's Character (Alison's Mom)

At the end of the movie, I would think that Alison's mom might feel a little odd holding her grandson given that, you know, she wanted her daughter to abort him. Does she still think that he's not a "real" person?

Alison: This is Grandma, honey. If I had taken her advice, you wouldn't be here now.

I would love to see a family gathering a few years down the line when that subject came up. I wonder how Grandma would handle that one.

When you do what you can to end someone's life, I don't think you have earned the right to have anything to do with that person. John Edwards is in the same boat as Grandma is.


It would've been beyond unrealistic if the subject of abortion had not come up in the film. Besides, how many people lean towards abortion when they first find out they are pregnant and for whatever reason they decide to go through with the pregnancy and come to love their son/daughter or granddaughter/son? If I didn't know any better I'd say you're a pro life troll trying to make a point but it failed miserably.





Something I always notice about this film is how underused Joanna Kerns and Harold Ramis are. I realize neither was an A-list actor at the time, but still.
