MovieChat Forums > Kush Discussion > Movie Company Shills

Movie Company Shills

As usual, there's a plethora of first time posters who registered JUST to comment
on this movie.

It's getting tiresome to see this happen with every new release and seriously undermines IMDB as a credible source.


ROFLMAO You gotta be the biggest jer**ff on the net dude. So basically nobody is allowed to sign up after you did????

You're a joke dude!!!


Anybody can sign up whenever they want. When they work for the production company of the movie and give glowing praise for their own movie, then it sucks. Hence the title of the post which included the word SHILLS.

Try reading comprehension next time Dude.

Apology accepted.



Right, your promotional efforts belong away from critiques of the movie.

It would be a *beep* film world if nobody reviewed honestly what is good and what's bad.

I suppose in your world we're all supposed to give you 5 stars because you put your movie out.

If it's a good film it will stand scrutiny. You missed the point, if you're having members of your production come here and post glowing reviews in a spot usually reserved for honest commentary then you're not doing yourself a favor.

But I'm guessing you know that, and your film is all skin and nuts, no shaft or tip, hence your need to pump your movie on here like a whore.

Gotta make your investor's money back right?



I wish you had posted this first instead of your first response.

I haven't commented on Kush itself, the only reason I came to IMDB was to get an unbiased review.

Seeing as there are none really to speak of, looks like I'll have to watch it
and then critique it.

And I concur that sometimes good movies get bad ratings.


"reputable, established cast" .. lol i wouldnt go that far. the 3 big actors in this movie havn't been seen in anything big in years.. the last time i saw the dad was in Real Genius with Val Kilmer lol..

And last time i saw James Debello was in The Hillz which congrats was bit worse than this movie lol. but actually with your definition of a "REPUTABLE, AND ESTABLISHED CAST i think The Hillz actually has u beat lol. Probably some where around the same budget as well.

Im blanking his name, and dont feel like clicking back to see what it was, but he was the bunny in Donnie Darko. That dude hasnt been in much since.. and i doubt its just because he wants to make "art" like this, he'd jump at the chance to be in another Independence Day like movie. Same for most your cast, same for most actors in they did it because they want to be in the business of making films yeah.. but they also did it because most of them have sh!t else going for them, and have to take what they can get.

200+k budget? wow... what a waste of money lol. maybe you shouldnt of gone with such "Reputable and established actors" lol.. and did with kevin smith did for clerks which was only like 28k. and most of those guys in that movie is their first time acting, so they had an excuse if people thought it sucked.. your actors sucked and your calling them established and reputable... Justin Timberlakes performance in Alpha Dog was horrible, but he did a better job than the majority of your cast. which is very sad lol.

should of just set up a grow house with that money lol and grown real kush. now thats art hahaha.
