Book Vs. Film

Anyone else feel that a lot of the changes made to the movie were not necessary or actually a bad choice to make.

Brian not writing back that Alice owes him a coffee after he gives her 4 (2 in the movie) answers for the initial uni challenge quiz by Peter, as he did in the book.
This date not happening meant that you don't feel as close to the characters 'relationship' as you do in the book. Not to mention Brian not sleeping with Alice at all in the movie making his drunken breakdown just before uni challenge seeming completely over the top.

Also it was a bit harsh to have Spencer sleep with Alice in the movie, Spencer was completely loyal to him in the book. Spencer turning out to be loyal makes Brian a better man in the book.

Small annoyance but Brian getting the 38th parallel question wrong in the book but right in the movie! I know that's being picky but why do that :D :D :D

The character of Rebecca was definitely less Bohemian in the movie, it would have been nicer to see a darker character to contrast more to Alice.

They should have made Brian cheat properly like he did in the book. Cocking up like a normal teenager would have made more sense.
