TWO F-Bombs?!

When Frank chastises Will for cutting in too many cars, Will says:

"You've been on my ass this whole *beep* trip!"

Then Frank tells him they'll just "green-sheet it and move on", to which Will says "Come on! If we green-sheet it, it's my ass, man! I *beep* up, alright?!"

They tried to hide the second one behind Frank's comment about Will's last name, but it was definitely there. Not that I have a problem with it, but I've gotta wonder how they snuck that by the MPAA...


You can put up to three (rarely more) F-bombs in a PG-13 film. I've heard five at the most; can't remember what movie it was, though. And I've heard 3 in a John Travolta movie. The fact that there's little else to fault the film for is probably why it got away with two F-bombs--that, and the fact that one of them was pretty much talked over.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."


I didn't know that i thought a PG13 film had to be mostly swear word free like the F word, especially the F word.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


Sure, but it also depends on how much objectionable content surrounds the words, along with the frequency the words are used. Which is probably why this movie got away with it; only one person died (accidentally) and the rest of the movie simply involved stopping a runaway train from causing a disaster.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."


who cares?
