Should I go on?

I finished season 1 just over year ago. I really loved it. One of the best seasons ever put on tv in my opinion. Absolutely brilliant.

I was satisfied with the way everything ended. Never felt the urge to continue. Especially after I saw some people's bad experiences with later seasons.

Would you still recommend the rest of the seasons/show? Or is it cool if I just stop there.


Yep. Keep going. The ride will just keep getting more wild.


I'd recommend because I'm a completist. It stays wild and interesting, but Season 1 is the best, and since it was canceled late-notice, not everything will get resolved/explained like you will want.


Now that it’s cancelled, permanently, one season short of its projected conclusion, I say NO WAY

I loved season 1, still do

Season 2 was interesting and added a bit to the background lore. Season 3 had its moments. Season 4 presented some interesting ideas but set up a hugely consequential finale that will never be shown

There are many who think season 4 serves as a finale on its own, and they have a point. It wraps up most of the major arcs in both plot and theme. But it’s still a deeply unsatisfying and open-ended finale.

If, on the other hand, you just quit at season 1, you’re left with a “happy ending,” where the hosts are set free, the rich pricks who exploited them (and their own customers) are about to be slaughtered. We can easily imagine that the Delos park will continue, but with guests capable of being killed by hosts. I think there’dl still be plenty of customers willing to take the chance, while the hosts themselves will be free to live their lives as they see fit.


I binged Season 1-3. I'm giving up on Season 4 I think. I was getting all confused as to why different characters were doing what they were doing and what side they were on.


Good, give up on Season 4

Season 3's ending works fine as a series finale - everyone's been set free

Season 4 immediately upends that for no satisfying reason, and now we'll never get a proper ending


Thanks for the support!


When the story gets bigger than the Park itself, I lost my interest. I wanted to see more guest storyline like how it was done for Fantasy Island. Instead, they kept regurgitating William's identity crisis as the heart of the shows main narrative. Even Eva and Maeve's character arcs were tied to it.


Nah. Let it be. It does not top season 1 and it goes downhill fast.


Loved Season 1, liked Season 2, liked the show less and less after that. "The show has become increasingly incomprehensible" wrote one critic, and indeed that was a major factor in turning me off. I didn't even bother with Season 4.


Season 1 was good.
Season 2 dragged on a bit but was enjoyable.
Season 3 went in a completely different direction with the style. It felt like the makers were more interested in having things look "cool" and did not bother with telling a coherent story.

I won't be watching season 4. And I kind of regret watching season 3.
