Season 4 Episode 3

Was anyone else as confused as I was about the scene where we see another character who IMITATES DOLORES having the ROBOT REBELLION inside of the NEW DELOS HEADQUARTERS?

When MAEVE told CALEB it was "just another GAME" being played and to ignore it, that sounded like she meant the other REBELLION that took place back in S2 was also NOT REAL, and it was also just a part of the NEW NARRATIVE that FORD had written.

But according to what a REVIEW/RECAP is saying this IMITATION REBELLION is something the CHAROLOTTE/DOLORES character has created as a form of ENTERTAINMENT in the NEW PARK:

" Inspired by Dolores' action-packed breakout from Westworld season 2, Golden Age guests can now join the bloodshed by recreating the WestWorld massacre in all its gory glory, killing hosts dressed as Delos employees and rampaging through the near-identical labs.

Hale must've included this storyline purely to make a point about humanity's violent nature - fervent guests will happily act out a real-world mass-murder for their own sick amusement.

We've also been told by journalist who've seen the first 4 episodes that Next week a "BIG SURPRISE" is coming up for us. And I'm also hoping it will be a RETURN of FORD to the show, who will also confirm that he's the one who wrote the ROBOT REBELLION NARRATIVE that took place back in S2.

Because that kind of a REVELATION would also make the original interpretation I had of what MAEVE said this week a valid one again.


I think Maeve was just recalling the original rebellion in the park and hence this was just a copycat of that event. However, she and Caleb speculate that the leader character might be a Dolores clone personality.


Yes the person who wrote that article agrees with you. And since we also saw the CAN rolling, and Maeve warning Caleb not to pick it up, and we also saw the face of the BLOND female there in this NEW PARK, we also know she's a DOLORES cloned personality (which is also ODD that CHARLOTTE/DOLORES would chose to have someone else playing that part.

Or is the CLONED copy also supposed to be a HUMAN WOMAN who's being PUNISHED by C/D the same way as she felt she'd been ABUSED by the HUMANS when she had that ROLE in the WESTWORLD PARK???


Remember, the Westworld rebellion occurred more than seven years before this season's Maeve/Caleb storyline.

That's more than enough time for the "rich assholes [as Caleb calls them]" to think it'd be awesome to reenact that tragedy as a form of entertainment.

So the prior season 2 rebellion WAS real. This was just a simulation for the degenerates who wanted to play out an actual, recent tragedy for their own amusement.


Don't people also do the same thing whenever they pretend to fight the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR or other WARS?

Do you get the feeling the writers/creators are sending a message that most of us may as well already live inside of a PARK due to the way other RICH A$$holes in this world do the same thing to us???

Think of that guy who killed himself in PRISON after he was caught in a sex traffic scandal where he shipped underaged girls to his island where he abused them with the help of the daughter of that other RICH MAN named MAXWELL who ran newspaper businesses before he also killed himself after he'd also STOLEN MILLIONS of dollars in PENSION money from his company.

And what's that the MAN in BLACK said about how we didn't want to return back to the PAST again, but wanted to CREATE it again here in this TIME FRAME???

And when one looks at the recent rulings of the SUP CT that's definitely also the feeling one gets is a bunch of EXTREME RIGHT WING FANATICS are trying to CREATE the ways of the PAST again right here in the PRESENT TIME.

So instead of just having a simulation of our PAST or creating it again, what we seem to have now is the PAST REALLY ACTUALLY being CREATED again here and now???

And NOT just as a form of ENTERTAINMENT or AMUSEMENT either???

But because the BULLIES who are doing it also BELIEVE that what they're doing is the BEST thing for our society even though a MAJORITY of our population also DISAGREES with them???



I’m still sticking with the three timelines theory.

Christina is in the past, Maeve the present and Bernard is the future. The leading theory is that the unknown woman Bernard met in this episode played by Aurora Perrineau is actually Caleb’s daughter Frankie all grown up.


Also the ‘tower’ thing in the past is what will be controlling the hosts for the original park.

Hale in the present has reverse engineered this tower so it can now control humans and the ‘hosts’ in the new park will actually be humans and it’s her way of getting revenge.

It’s good to be excited about Westworld again, haven’t been this interested in the show since the season 2 finale.


Not sure about the TIME LINE situation, but I agree about how this NEW CHARACTER could be an already grown up FRANKIE.

What's interesting is how that would also PARALLEL what happens to the MAN in BLACK when we see his young daughter at the RETIREMENT PARTY (who was also about the same age as FRANKIE), and then find her all grown up inside of the other PARK with the TIGER and theme of being in INDIA.

Hopefully CALEB won't also shoot and kill FRANKIE the same way as The Man in BLACK freaked out and killed his daughter EMILY???

Because if CHARLOTTE/DOLORES controls the FLIES that infected Caleb, she could probably also get Caleb to kill the REAL Frankie that way???


I was confused by the credits saying *Thandiwe* Newton
