Why Did Charlotte Betray Musashi?
I’m really confused about that. She calls him up & basically threatens him or makes it clear that he’s going to be killed after informing him of Dolores’s betrayal which leads one to wonder how that translates to him.
Hey I understand Charlotte giving him a heads up to tell him that Dolores is double crossing everybody & to let him know to be on his guard but why is SHE trying to kill him? That Doesn’t make any sense. But by the way Musashi answered her phone call & told her “I’m so happy to hear from you!” & the way in which he said it in a mocking, condescending tone lead me to assume that maybe he was a part of what happened to Charlotte.
Not that he himself harmed her but he was ok with knowing that Dolores was using her as a sacrificial lamb, that he was in on it with her being setup for Serac. It’s the only thing that makes sense in order for Charlotte to do what she did. She told him, “I’ve lead sone friends who wanted to catch up with you to you”. So exactly where or “who” did they come from?
They weren’t from Dolores that’s for sure, did Charlotte reach out to Maeve to get them? Musashi tells Clementine, “Go back to your master, tell HIM, etc”. “HIM?” So it wasn’t Charlotte or Maeve that sent them? I’m doubting that she’d make any deal with Serac, all things considered but unless Clementine & the other lady who’s name I forgot we’re part of the “allies” that Serac promised Maeve to help her fight Dolores & ultimately it was his doing, then I don’t know what to think.
Anyone have any ideas?