This show is junk?

Maybe clickbait but i'm at episode 4 and i'm bored to death.....
For a show that hold a 9.0 rating it's overrated by alot. You have to admit that.


You should check out movies by Michael Bay, more your speed. Westworld is for the elite mind


well to be fair you do need a 200 IQ and a doctorate in theoretical physics to truly enjoy the show.


Which would mean that you would not split an infinitive, so that excludes you.


I have a very high IQ and don't care much about grammar at all. I had to look that one up!


You have always impressed me as being very bright, and I respect your lack of interest in grammar. I put you in a completely different category of poster from bobynynex, who has no idea of the rarity of 200 IQs, nor the kind of intelligence required to earn a doctorate, which is considerably less than that. I imagine you can tell that I love this show, and am impatient with its detractors, most of whom seem to “watch” it while playing with their phones. So I smack ‘em around a bit. It’s a self-indulgence.

So, if this show were REALLY aimed at an audience of folks with IQ of over 200, whether rated by Weschler or Raven, it would have an audience of, at BEST, 3, and that’s not taking into account the lack of an imperative in testing accuracy beyond a certain point. Once you register as SMART, the beyond does not really matter. Shows with an audience of 3 tend not to succeed.

I think you are a real asset to this site.

Three of my degrees are in English. I am passionate about it.


Oh MAN that was nicely written!

I was just joking.

I love complex shows where I must pay attention and stop reading. Most programs, I can do work, read, and so forth and still follow them completely because they are simple for me. There's nothing I love more than a gripping story!

I wish I was passionate about English. I love words and meaning tremendously so in that since I love English but I never got into grammar. I even try to not be grammatical at time and with use "like" purposely in sentences. Like, I just enjoy writing like people talk, lol!

However, I'm a super freak about getting things right in psychology as that is my passion and profession, so I understand.

Thanks for all the nice words too!


You don't. This is the kind of show that 100 IQers need to feel like they have a 200 IQ. It has great imaginative concepts and world building, but below average acting and script writing. The security are straight out of Starship Troopers, except ST was a parody! Just really cheesy.

This is mostly pretentious BS. Still, at least it's better than Lost.


The beginning of the S1 is the best part of the series so if you don't like it now, you've given it a fair shot. I'm happy to spoil it and you can just skip the rest.


If you're not into movies like Dark City or 13th Floor or shows like LOST - you should probably skip it. For me, it's solid 7/10.


I love Lost,
Never sene 13th floor,
Massive sci-fi fan, from star trek - battlestar galactica
+ various sci-fi films.

This show is predictable and quite boring. Nothing evolutionary at all.


Westworld is definitely not predictable... I would assume everybody else in this thread have seen the show... so I would like to ask you to predict how season 1 ends or just what happens after episode 4? If you get it right I just know you watched the last 6 episodes before you answered...


The only thing I need to tell you is that it's not gonna end well...
That makes it predictable.


What kind of prediction is that... That is like predicting that bad shit will happen in a horror movie...


The first season is excellent. They did lay out the story in such a way that you really can't "get it" unless you watch the entire season.


The production values are high but the creators clearly have very little understanding of what AI is and a bit hazy about intelligence in general.


Please give us some examples that show your point. I’m curious.


Still waiting for an answer.

You obviously have an answer, right?
