MovieChat Forums > Hail, Caesar! (2016) Discussion > Thanks to all the negative opinions here...

Thanks to all the negative opinions here...

...about this movies, I had relatively low expectations. So while it does fall short (for me, anyway) of the higher mark set by the Coen's work that made me a fan, it wasn't a total disappointment. Others may feel that their lives were robbed of 106 mins, but I was able to have a pleasant enough evening.

The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest. Buy the ticket, take the ride.



I kind of felt the same way though it gave me so much I'm gonna revisit it really soon. I think I love this movie but I'm not sure yet....


It had its moments I just thought it was going to be funnier. I realized my mistake after the fact as I was going through the coen brothers movies and realized I didn't really like any of them.


There's a lot of stuff you'll miss in a first viewing.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


Yep - have to agree on missing stuff. My initial reaction was one of disappointment but thinking about it I will have missed things so I will watch it again - but might wait until the DVD is available. That will also give me a chance to spot the little references to other movies I missed first time. A couple that I did spot: Near the start when Mannix is sitting in his car and sees the flashes from inside the house - that's Bogart in The Big Sleep, I think. And later the Carlotta Valdes (Valdez?) character - the name is from Hitchcock's Vertigo (which I watched only last week).


Yes, I noticed the nod to The Big Sleep, too. While it wasn't one of the Coens' best films, I still enjoyed it enough to go a second time. I picked up more on the second viewing. Every time someone mentioned "On Wings As Eagles", birds cawed in the background. I think there's a lot of things to pick up on that were easy to miss and it's a film that will repay several viewings because it's chock full of old Hollywood references. The cowboy actor had a look of Audie Murphy and I assume the name Hobie Doyle was no accident.


I think it's their best in almost 20 years.

Today is the day to say I love you to your best friend - chinese proverb


I wouldn't go that far ('best in almost 20 years'), but I like it very much. It's fast-moving, filled with Easter eggs, has several good laughs, and is made with the Coen's customary assurance and wisdom about human frailty.

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Grey Fairy / White Wolf
