american accents...

i didn't notice any difference in shia's accent in this movie from how he usually sounds but the movie was set in new york and his from LA. similarly iv noticed many american actors use their own voice no matter where there supposed to be from. id thid just something people ignore or are their just not that many accents in th states. i mean im from ireland which is a fraction the size of even a single state and we have extremely different accents from all over the country. i mean if a dublin guy was playing someone from kerry using his own accent no one would buy it.


Shia layed on the New York accent pretty thick. The problem is that you aren't American, so therefore your ear is untrained. A lot of regional accents have subtle differences that only sound jarring to native ears. Americans wouldn't hear much difference between Dublin and Kerry, as hard as that is to believe.

Then someone falls in love, and someone's beaten up, and the senses being dulled are mine


perhaps you're right about non Americans not picking up subtleties in accent. The thing is, as someone who lived some years in NY, his accent sucked... Then again, I'd rather have that then a forced or otherwise contrived hokey accent that would deter from the role.


I'm in the middle of watching this but the fact that I can't tell what the dialogue is in the early parts of the film due the inaudibility and velocity of the speech sometimes is irritating me somewhat!

