Movie wasn't made well

Bad audio level fluctuations. Took a while to get into the characters. I just had a hard time sitting still. Not a bad movie, but not something I would recommend. TOo many boring scenes in the first 20 minutes.

And the main character was whiny douche. Sure his dad was clueless, but he meant well. If he wanted to leave, he should have left, but he could have still maintained contact and if his dad initiated anything acrimonious, then that's on the dad. But the son doesn't even give him that chance.


my only issue really was wit the story between the son/'s like one minute they want to show you that the father is a little off and looks at his own son as more of a buddy while caring about Antonio like a son...even when Dito tells him about his friend getting killed the dads just like "oh...well that's's Antonio doing?"...the bad berates Dito's girlfriend when she tries to stick up for him and then Dito freaks out on her for intervening...then flash forward to the future and she's giving Dito sh*t about abandoning his father and all this...was the message that even though the father was a nutjob Dito should have still stuck around or at least tried to keep contact even though the father basically swore him off just for leaving in the first place

it had a very gritty feel to it and I like how it put you in that time..thought the actors did a great job and some of the dialogue was impressive but overall it's just one for the collection not really a classic
