I just wish...

...that these movies would tone down some of the fight scenes. They always seem to me to be over done and unnecessary. The danger gets exaggerated to such a degree that it stretches suspension of disbelief beyond its limits. But hey...that's just my take. I'm sure most people enjoy the hyper drama of it all.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


Unfortunately, this is because the writers of these films can't write plausible dialogue and story lines for these pictures anymore, or they can't be bothered. So fight scenes are added and no one needs to speak.

Compare any current adventure film to something like "The Wind and the Lion". There is no comparison.


Thanks for the recommendation of "The Wind And The Lion". I'd never seen it before, so I got it and watched it. Definitely a world of difference in the fight scenes. Truly, no comparison.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov
