How this movie could have been WAY better
Okay so I am a history major, and I was really annoyed at this movie because of this:
The Hassansins:
1.Hassan ruled Alamut in the early 12th Century. The Shi'ite accepted Ismail at their imam. (That's why they were called Ismailis.) The Ismailis did incorporate elements of gnosticism (hence the "we can see visions derp" in the film.) These were holy warriors though, and they were under the command of Hassan i Sabbah, NOT any king of Persia. The way they were portrayed in the film did not support this fact. Instead, they were portrayed as mildly effective assassins.
2. "The Holy City of Alamut": okay so basically the most confusing and problematic part in the whole movie is that because the Hassansins did not exist up until some 300-400ish years after the supposed era in this film, the people of Alamut at the time of the Persian invasion (in the film) were Zaydi-Shi'a.
Okay so who ACTUALLY invaded Alamut? The ISMAILIS, under Hasan i Sabbah, that's who. And who were these Ismailis? THE HASHSHASHINS - like 300-400 years LATER THAN THIS FILM DEPICTS. But the Hassansins, according to this film, apparently did a time warp and ended up in a time where the Zaidiyyah were still strong and powerful. Okay, so the Ismailis did not invade Alamut, the Persians did (according to this film.) If anyone doesn't know where Alamut was located, it was located in Iran <-- modern day PERSIA. So let's get this straight, Persia invaded Persia, during the height of the Zaidiyyah at Alamut, and they used a highly skilled, deadly, super top secret, (yet easily describable if asked about) killing force that was at the service of the Persian kings?
You know what they should have done?
If they really wanted to incorporate the Hashshashin Ismailis into this film, they could have done a number of things differently.
1. No matter what, you can not escape religion. The moment you have a character saying "This is a Holy city," or "The Gods did [enter what the Gods did here]," you are going to have to incorporate aspects of religion.
2. Don't call them the Hassansins, or refer to them as "assassins". By all means, have a super awesome killing force, give them a more solid background... more than a one-line explanation from Dastan. Develop the characters, so the audience can understand how they function/ operate.
3. Please, pick. a. damn. era.
600 AD = time of Islamic conquest
1100 AD = Islam is already established