Dennis' status as a murderer

What do you all think? The evidence seems pretty heavy in favor of


There's simply an implication of danger.




TOOLS! I have to have my TOOLS!

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.




I don't think he's a murderer. I think he's on the track to becoming one though. Think about it. He can't handle the word no. The Family Fight episode and numerous others proved that. But he was able to get through life without hearing no for a long time. He was spoiled by his rich mother and didn't have a problem getting any girl he wanted for a long time. But now that he gets older and his charm slips, he's facing more rejdection more and more. Eventually he's going to crack like at the end of the Family Fight episode whe he curls up on the ground while the buzzer won't stop sounding. And he is going to eventually crack and start silencing the women who reject him.


well he can't legally buy a gun because of an 'extensive history of felonious behaviour' although he's only a 'person of interest' in most of those cases... remember being 'wanted' and 'wanted for questioning' are two different things.


Nah, I don't think he is. They make a lot of jokes about it, that he may possibly be one, but it's a lot funnier when he could be one as opposed to actually being one. I don't think the writers are going to have him actually being a killer.

He was also strangely sensitive and reluctant to killing their Nazi grandfather and animals in Pop Pop the Final Solution.


Not sure if he is now but both he and Dee came pretty close when they were stalking the waitress in the "Mac is a Serial Killer" S3 episode. Not sure what they were gonna do to her but she maced them both in the face and ran off before they could.
