"Jumping the shark" is an idiom popularized by Jon Hein that was used to describe the moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality
Most agree the show began to decline in quality after season 4, 5, or 7, even though they've definitely had good episodes/seasons since then.
signaled by a particular scene, episode, or aspect of a show in which the writers use some type of gimmick in an attempt to keep viewers' interest
Well, Maureen started her transformation last season, and has been obsessed with cats and "looking current" since day one, so it didn't come off as a gimmick to me. As far as viewers interest, they've been getting their best ratings ever this season.
which is taken as a sign of desperation, and is seen by viewers to be the point at which the show strayed irretrievably from its original formula.
Again, with their best ratings in hand and already filming season 12, I don't see why the guys would feel desperate, or think cat-Maureen would be the solution to their desperation. Original formula? Again, Maureen has been around/insane for awhile, and basically every recurring character on this show (not to mention the give leads) are batsht crazy.
The phrase is based on a scene from a fifth-season episode of the sitcom Happy Days when the character Fonzie jumps over a shark while on water-skis.
I would love to see Charlie attempt this feat. Maybe all five attempt to do it and get eaten one by one in the series finale. It'd be perfect.