Hero or Hate Crime? Classic Sunny
I'm really enjoying this season so far, but this was the best episode of the season. I love it when they try new things and get conceptual, but nothing compares to putting those five characters in a room and letting them have at it. So many things had me rolling and in tears:
Dennis admitting a 'deposit' is a load
The use of some of my favorite words like *beep* and c**ksuc**r
Changing arbitrators when they pledge to be fair and honest
The Gang screwing Mac out of his money after his poignant coming out moment
Dennis telling Mac that they don't care if he is gay or straight, they hate him either way
Charlie purposely stepping in feces to cover up skunk and cigarettes
The list goes on and on. Everything I love about the show is encompassed in this episode.
This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here-Michael Scott