
Why did FX all of a sudden allow all the swearing? They usually bleep it.


Trump takeover. Taboo has blasted like a dozen F-bombs in 5 episodes.


F-word? How about the C-word!!!!!


I think they aired the wrong version... the version reserved for thee DVD.

This was definitely uncensored.

( . )( . )( . )( . )


Rob implied on twitter that they'll get fined, but said it's "worth every penny"


Haha awesome. I love the gang and whats a few grand to them? It would have been half the episode if they bleep'd it. I'm pretty sure everyone has heard the F and N and C and CS words in their life unless they're like 12. Not a big deal in todays age. People blow each other up over religion, land, and fossil fuels everyday but hey thats TV worthy...making a good and funny point about 'slurs' is OH MY GOD NO?!?

GJ you guys, pretty much a top 5 episode ever.


Using the word normalizes them. Of course the way Charlie dropped the N-word did the opposite, as it was clearly a big no-no. It is really difficult to find a measure which would prevent one and allow the other.

People blow each other up over religion, land, and fossil fuels everyday but hey thats TV worthy...making a good and funny point about 'slurs' is OH MY GOD NO?!?
That is a pretty lazy argumentation, as that ends up in saying that anything short of a holocaust is okay to make fun of on tv, as there is something worse to care about. "Something else is wrong as well" is a weak response to addressing a problem.


"argumentation"? you mean argument?


I mean the process, not just the specific shape of the argument in this single case. "It is not good because something else is better" would be a different argument but the same lazy argumentation.


Not actually true. FCC can't do anything about language on cable. There will be no fine.

And to address the thread in general, don't forget one of the first episodes of the first season had Charlie saying "we've got N's hanging from the rafters".


Isn't the worry for cable shows losing advertisers? Not the FCC fines.


Xmilokittyx is correct, as well as another user, the FCC does not control cable channels. The reason HBO, STARZ and other premium channels don't censor their shows is because people are paying premium prices for those channels. Cable channels like FX, Comedy Central and etc, are paid by consumers but still survive a lot on ads, so they pussy out and give in to the ad companies. That's why Comedy Central gave in to South Park and allowed them to swear more than any other cable show, because South Park was their bread and butter. It's all about money, simple as that. Basic channels only money comes from ads, and FCC has control over them


Right. The only potential legal issue is obscenity charges, but given they weren't used against Spartacus, they'll probably never be used again.


You just made this up. He didn't say anything like this.


He deleted his tweet. I saw it the other day. It's wishful thinking I guess he deleted it.


amazing episode. absolutely stunning perfection. watch out fggit!!! then the karate kick. stepping in poop.


they never bleep, not sure why you think that

they used the F word in the kidnapping episode

they used the n word in the episode where we find out Dennis grandfather was a nazi

Dee said cock in the family feud episode

not sure I heard Kundt before this, maybe

they just never strung them to gether


Cable is definitely pushing back the barrier this year. Especially FX. I think we're gonna start getting a lot of free language all over the place. Probably be another ten years before they release the nipple.

<Goodbye friends. This community was the best thing ever.>


I'm in a small minority, but think it's much, MUCH funnier when curses are bleeped. Still, I was shocked, in a good way, when Dee said her daddy died from eating bad pussy, but this episode was stunningly vulgar. Too much in my opinion. I can see it being defended by saying that's how these miscreants would really talk, but it came across to me as being profane simply for the sake of knowing they could get away with it. The gang is better than that.

"I'm doing good in the game, so I'm doing good in life!" - Charlie Kelly


I'm in a growing minority about this kind of stuff, but in general, I prefer things PG13. I'm not really in to vulgarity and dirty words and over the top shock and sex. Don't need a lot of gore and violence in my action. Don't need to see naked ladys and wieners. This culture that veers farther and farther into gonzo territory produces less and less entertainment that appeals to me. It's interesting to see the Gang presented this way, cause I think it's how they'd really be, but I prefer the earlier seasons.

<Goodbye friends. This community was the best thing ever.>


I think you are missing the point though, especially with this episode. The words they are using in their discussion are purposefully used. In an "Always Sunny" way, they are having a discussion about language and why and when it can and should be used. Of course it's with the characters, so on a surface level it just appears vulgar for the sake of being vulgar. In reality though, you can't bleep the words if you want to actually have a point, unless your point is that they should always be censored.

From the start of the show, the characters have almost always been portrayed as people you are not supposed to want to be like. So if you want to make a point about language, you have to have those characters use it. It may be funnier to censor the words, but I don't think that's what they were going for.


but this episode was stunningly vulgar. Too much in my opinion.

Forget laughs. Laughs are cheap! They're going for gasps. Gasps are where it's at! 
