MovieChat Forums > Alone with Her (2008) Discussion > 'Alone with Her' vs 'Caché'

'Alone with Her' vs 'Caché'

In my opinion, these two films are made similarly. Which do you think is better: 'Alone with Her' or 'Caché'?


cache didn't really keep my attention and I fell asleep during my on demand viewing, though I'd like to see it again. I feel like the fact that this film is completely viewed through hidden cameras (though I'm not sure about the scenes where it shows him at his computer) adds some what of an authenticity to the stalking element. By revealing so much and knowing that the stalkee (if that's a word?) is so clueless gives a different spin. Cache on the other end left more knowledge of the stalkee and only glimpses of the stalker's footage, which I feel differs the films--I'll revise this if I can still get the film on demand!


I agree with lunchboxxx. Cache bored the hell outta me. Don't know why it's gotten so much attention. AWH is a superior film on all levels.


Both films are great. I've seen 'Cache' several times since the theater, it gets better with increased viewings. I was eager to see 'Alone with Her' and finally saw it last night. It blew me away. I was captivated by it's creepiness.

'Cache' shows an unsettling scenario playing out through the eyes of the victim. 'Alone with Her' shows an unsettling scenario playing out through the eyes of the perpetrator.


I tried to watch Cache the other day. It bored me to death. I finally just turned it off.


I just picked up "Alone With Her" and will watch it tonight. I saw "Cache" a few weeks's very good but it's understandable that it is not everyone's cup of tea. It's played out very leisurely, but is intelligently put together and very interesting.


Cache was dumb.

My 1-18-08 forum:

Rob, Have Fun In Japan


cache is an incredibly overrated piece of cinema. it has a couple of chilling moments but none so uncomfortable as the failed 'sex scene' toward the end in 'alone'.
if you want, however, a great french movie about paranoia and identity that ISNT *beep* like cache, check LEMMINGS.



Well, you shouldn't point out he's your favourite director makes you seem biased.

that said, ROFL @ anyone saying this movie is anywhere near the near-masterpiece of human study that Cache is. with the political message about the racial abuse of middle easterns in france.

this? a guy ends up needing Viagra to pop some bitch off. lawl

I'm just a hooligan who's used to using hallucinogens.
