unrated version

has anyone seen the un-rated version with the differnt ending? what is the ending and is it the film or just an extra faeture? I rented R rated version. the movie was very creepy! I was in best buy today and I was going to buy it until I realized it was the un-rated version. so I decided to wait until I knew more about the un-rated version. thanks!




In the final scene she wins and Doug dies and she goes to the restroom and cries the end.


I think there is only one ending - he kills her and then we see him looking for the next victim.


No, there was an alternate ending.

I'm happiest...in the saddle.


Yes, She clicks her heels together, chants "theres no place like home" and goes to live with her parents!


Which version does he live in the end? I hate colin hanks dying in the end of his films... I want to go rent it, but I didn't even know this film was out to rent yet. So where can I rent it?
I stupidly rented Untraceable the other day thinking it was this film. I won't even begin to describe how terrible that film was.

EriN Elaine


I disagree. Untraceable is pretty decent for the most part. The ending is what completely ruins the film.
