Jaguar Paw

is the greatest hero in the world of Cinema.



Yes, to have a gigantic air propelled through the air from so far and have it go right through your body was horrific. He pulled it out of his gut and then out-ran a pack of some of the fittest and strongest men around for two days straight, all while losing blood. Then he was shot with another large arrow and treated it like a mosquito bite! Very heroic...some might even say superhuman!!


It's so convincingly staged, shot and directed that I am forced to suspend disbelief when I watch it.


I've never been able to understand how this film never translated into stardom for Rudy Youngblood, because his performance is so mesmerizing. Devastatingly powerful.

On the one hand, it probably has something to do with the fact that Hollywood is notorious for its liberal hypocrisy, that they can't bring themselves to move a minority actor like Youngblood beyond the status of "token" minority and recognize him for the legitimate talent he is.

But, more likely, his association with Mel Gibson and crew, fresh off of the Passion of the Christ controversy, rendered him vulnerable to virtual character assassination (and Gibson's people from the looks of it didn't do much to help him out). He was subjected to an obsessive interrogation over whether or not he "lied" about being Native American/Half-Black/Hispanic, which apparently stunted any traction he should have made in Hollywood. But, I'm shocked at the effectiveness of the campaign waged by some against him. That's like Bea Arthur failing to get on television because she lied about not being in the marines.

Actually, that Youngblood may likely never achieve the type of success he probably deserves in Hollywood is bittersweet in that he will forever be solely associated with the noble and heroic "Jaguar Paw" and for no other role, thereby making the performance that much more iconic.

Just as Mark Hamill will always be Luke Skywalker; Marlon Brando, Don Corleone; Vivien Leigh, Scarlet O'Hara; Alan Ladd, Shane; Judy Garland, Dorothy Gale; Rudy Youngblood will always be Jaguar Paw. Nothing wrong with being associated with a survivor.


Sorry have to disagree.

Rudy only made one movie, so Jaguar Paw is what he'll be known for. Other on your list -- not so much.

Maybe you haven't seen many movies or are very young, because your knowledge of film is limited.

Marlon Brando will always be Don Corleone? What about Stanley Kowalski in "Streetcar Named Desire"? He's so completely owned that role that many actors were terrified to attempt to recreate the role on stage for years. That was his first Oscar. Next, only 2 years later, came Terry Malloy in "On the Waterfront" which was Brando's second Oscar. These are iconic roles, just as huge and immortal as Don Corleone.

Judy Garland was only Dorothy? Really? Her role as Esther Blodgett/Vicki Lester in "A Star is Born" is one of the cornerstones of modern cinema. Also "Meet Me in St. Louis" is played on an endless loop at Easter time around the world.

Vivien Leigh is known only as Scarlett O'Hara? Her role as Blanche DuBois opposite Brando in "Streetcar Named Desire" made that movie one of the most powerful, unforgettable movies ever made. She also won an Oscar.

If you haven't seen any of these movies, please do.


I understand that, but Stanley Kowalski and Blanche Du Bois; Esther Blodgett or Esther Smith, are well known to the filmgoing community and to aspiring actors, but they aren't cultural icons. Even Terry Malloy, the other role Brando "owned" isn't instantly recognized by the average American anymore.

But Don Corleone, Dorothy Gale, and Scarlet O'Hara are as well known to non-film enthusiasts as they are to film school graduates.

And at that, my point was more that no one else could picture anyone but Youngblood doing the part. Alot of people refuse to accept anyone but Brando and Leigh as Stanley and Blanche. Or anyone but Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, no matter how good they might be.


I'm in 100% agreement. Just the same as Eli Wallach will always be "Tuco" for me.
