It's not the drunk outburst that really did it, it was going ahead with Passion of the Christ that made him a pariah. Notice that Caviezel hasn't really starred in anything much above straight-to-video since then, either?
"He may have said anti-semitic things...", notice how you're using a very loaded word that is nothing but a disgusting double standard? Why is there a word prejudice against Jews and not a word for prejudice against whites? Or blacks? Or Asians? Or Russians, Christians, atheists, Swedes, Egyptians, Australians or Native Americans?
Do you think that all the so called anti-semitism that ever was was entirely unprovoked? I hate supremacy of all kinds and Jewish supremacy is no exception, and trust me. It is going strong. Now mind you, when I say I hate Jewish supremacists, do not act as if I said I hate Jews. How I mean it is just like when I say I hate white supremacists or black supremacists. Don't put the Jewish people up on a pedestal and let them pretend to be the eternal victims that must never be questioned. I can't believe people are so blind to this...
You know what's even stranger? Anti Semitism is used as an equivalent to Jews but not Arabs when Arabs are even more Semitic than European Jews. It's ok to be racist against Arabs and no one calls it Anti Semitic.
Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel