It's a masterpiece of film making. I know the word masterpiece gets tossed around , and given to many good films , and sometimes mediocre, but Apocalypto deserves it. The way the people are made to look, and the landscape as well as the whole culture Gibson gifts us as viewers on the big screen is amazing. He makes you feel like you are Jaguar Paw in the movie, and like you are there. Toss out what he said about stupid things, and him as a bigot. When it comes to film he is always giving us something spectacular, and out of the norm. The whole smear campaign on the film is BS , and if you have stayed away from it because of that, you have missed out on a truly brilliant film. Forget his views on life or politics etc.. , and just go for a masterful movie experience. If you liked Braveheart than you will love this. Sure it has its gory parts , but because it is necessary for the film . It's not like gratuitous gore porn like the SAW films (and others like that type of film) that they wanted to make you think it was. It all is part of making a movie like this. It is a work of fiction as well, but like most works of fiction there is much truth involved in it. I won't pretend to know about what really happened with the Mayan culture, but I'd say Apocalypto sure makes a great case for how it would have looked and felt like. Truly one film that deserves to be called a Masterpiece !!!
I wish I could give your comment a "Like" because I very much agree with what you said. The photography alone is amazing! I missed this movie on the big screen and regret it now.
The way the people are made to look, and the landscape as well as the whole culture Gibson gifts us as viewers on the big screen is amazing.
Hollywood Indiana Jones bone-in-the-nose caricatures of non-Europeans is what you call amazing?
Google "Mayan Bonampac murals": you'll see no bone-in-the-nose Mayans, no skulls-worn-as-adornments in their art.
The 'Sacrifice of the Warrior' you see in Mayan art, is just like the 'Sacrifice of Jesus' in European art. We Europeans, do NOT actually crucify people, nail them to the cross and gore them with spears, every Easter, or whenever there's a drought.
Apocalypto is as far as possible from masterpiece as Hollywood kitsch can be...
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It's a masterpiece to those more interested in quality cinema than a history lesson.
The movie is played in a political-historical key, notice the Durant quote "the injuns destroyed themselves from within, white man not guilty, white man good!" right in the start.
Without the political-historical aspect, the movie is just a mindless chase.
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Those were not bones in their noses--they were ornaments made from turquoise and other natural minerals of the area. Stop using the university of google to do your research. No, you Europeans enslave them in your socialist/communist ideologies.
Those were not bones in their noses--they were ornaments made from turquoise and other natural minerals of the area.
google "Mayan Bonampak Murals", you'll see absolutely no nose piercing in Mayan art.
The sacrifices represented in Mayan art, Aztec, Olmec, Toltec, etc., depict the deeds of the gods. When you watch Jesus on a Cross in a Christian bas-relief, fresco, painting or sculpting, you're not thinking " these European dudes nail some dude on a cross and leave him to bleed to death, every year, on Easter"... The accounts of human sacrifices by the Myans, Aztecs, etc. come from European conquerors, who almost exterminated the native Americans.
Apocalypto is Indiana Jones + Mad Max Thunderdome, claiming to be socially-historically-politically relevant.
It is not. It's kitsch. A dope head surfer trying to tell me that it was the Mayans' fault for being quasi exterminated by the Europeans.
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I believe your problem is that you hate Mel Gibson. Many do. But, that does not take away the factual premise of this movie. My guess is that it's not just Mel Gibson you hate, but his Catholic faith. My guess is you've never seen "The Passion of the Christ". Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the "take" I see with you.
My problem is with putting bones in the noses of the Mayans... sticks, stones, whatever, when you have proof that they didn't pierce their noses, and they didn't wear no bones as ornaments, as you can see in Mayan art.
Then putting a big motto "civilizations collapse from within", like it was the Mayans' fault for being quasi exterminated by the Europeans.
Then showing absurd scenes of mass human sacrifices, like it was an historical truth, when in fact, there is no proof for human sacrifices in the American cultures. The sacrifices depicted in Mayan art, depict stories about their gods, like Europeans show Jesus' sacrifice, as a story about their god.
How can you call such kitsch, a masterpiece? i don't care about Mel Gibson, really, he's funny in Maverick...
This is the last time I'm going to respond. Those were NOT bones in their noses. The Mayans as well as the Aztecs, Egyptians, and other ancient civilizations wore ORNAMENTS made of precious stones like turquoise, Jade, obsidian rock, and other such gems. These ornaments were worn on and in the nose and other parts of the face and neck. Also, these ornaments were worn by men (and some women) higher up in the society.
"In the earliest period of Mayan civilization, metal was hard to come by so the Mayan's created jewelry out of bone from jaguar teeth and claws, stones, feathers, and various colorful shells. As natural resources became more readily available, the Mayans would craft beautiful jewelry out of gold, silver, copper, jade and bronze.
Both men and women were known to wear much of the same jewelry with the exception of lip and nose plugs. Nose plugs and nose ornaments were reserved for men with a high social status. Lip plugs were known to be quite sophisticated pieces of jewelry and made of similar materials as nose plugs. Earplugs were also worn by the Mayans and were often so heavy that they would permanently disfigure the earlobe." (Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Jewelry History, 2005)
Are you saying that it is not possible for a civilization to destroy itself from within? If so, then you know less than I thought. Have you researched Ancient Rome? Ancient Egypt? Ancient Greece? They all began their destruction from within. You are trying to blame the Spanish explorers on all the ills of South America and other ancient civilizations. That's absurd. Of course they were conquerers! And brutal! So were the Vikings, Greeks, Egyptians, ROMANS, and English! The Mayans had begun its decline long before the Spanish explorers came on the scene. Researchers and archaeologists believe that the Mayans were in complete decline by the year 900 A.D. The Spanish didn't arrive until the 14th century.
No proof of human sacrifices in the American cultures? You rely too much on the U. of Google. Try doing some real research instead of looking at the pictures in National Geographic.
The Mayans did not wear stuff in their noses, there's extensive Mayan art for documentation. Do you understand?
The pre-columbian civilizations did not destroy themselves from within, they were destroyed by European invaders, through diseases carried by them, and more devastating weapons - steel, cannons, horses. Do you understand?
The "real research" invokes exactly the Mayan art, which depicts the deeds of the gods, like the Europeans depict the human sacrifice of Jesus or the saints and martyrs. Do you understand?
Take a good look at this 3000x1000 pixels mural of Bonampak. There is not a single nose pierced, among more than 60 characters depicted -
What, you're quoting from a history of jewelry, as "real research"??? lol?
Look with your own eyes, at Mayan art, there is no bone worn as ornament by the Mayans, there is no nose piercing worn by the Mayans, in their own art.
You don't need some schmuck to tell you what did the Mayans wear, you can see for yourself, with your own eyes.
Look with your own eyes, at Mayan art, there is no bone worn as ornament by the Mayans, there is no nose piercing worn by the Mayans, in their own art.
That's not true.. There are tons of nose piercings and bone head dresses:
You are referring to representations of gods of death. The parallel in European art would be the Devil - a dude with horns who eats people or boils them in cauldrons, and stabs them with his trident. Or think of Saturn, who is represented in 16th century European art, as a man who tears babies apart with his teeth. One has to have no insight, no discernment, to assert that Europeans would wear bloody wings and horns and dragon tails, and ritually eat babies, or torture them in infinite ways, because look, there's European art with Saturn and Satan.
The Mayans depicted in Mayan art, not the gods of destruction, have zero nose piercings, and zero bones as decorations.
BTW, all of the actors were Mexican and many were Mayan. Rudy Youngblood, who played Jaguar Paw, is Mexican-Mayan. You Europeans are quick to judge everything American with myopic eyesight. Put your glasses on before you point your finger at someone or something.
The 'Sacrifice of the Warrior' you see in Mayan art, is just like the 'Sacrifice of Jesus' in European art. We Europeans, do NOT actually crucify people, nail them to the cross and gore them with spears, every Easter, or whenever there's a drought.
Such outrageous mental gymnastics to justify the unjustifiable.
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Such outrageous mental gymnastics to justify the unjustifiable.
I provided links to Mayan art, where you can see there's no bone-in-the-nose, no bone skull worn as decoration, no bones at all, in the way Mayans dressed themselves.
I TOTALLY agree that this movie is a masterpiece both artistically and historically. I've watched it several times and have my own copy. His portrayal of the Mayan civilization is spot-on right down to the blue coloring painted on the captures. Chichen Itza is, in my opinion, the basis for his portrayal of the Mayan pyramid. It also matches perfectly the fact that there were huge populations of Mayan people enslaved and not who lived in this area (called the "Itza"). He is also spot-on with regard to the droughts that were occurring at the time of the decline of the Mayan Civilization. And, he had the specific god correct: Kukulkan, the Mayan Sun god. It provides one possible reason for the disappearance of the Mayans, but it is easy to blame the Spanish explorers, although they did a lot of damage to all the indigenous people of Mexico and South America. Archaeologists and historians seem to think it was a number of factors which ended the civilization. I believe the droughts caused sickness and disease, and, like most other civilizations, its own decadence participated in the decline. But, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT movie.
It is true that if you haven't seen it, put away your prejudices and do yourself a favor--see the movie. It will educate you.
@srterese...u should have dropped criztu like a bad habit while u were miles ahead in the debate. Criztu is a mindless low info zombie who hates Gibson because he was told to. I agree with the opening statement. The movie is a masterpiece and How Gibson and his actors wer passed over for Oscar consideration is a statement as to how pathetically political Hollywood has become.