Not necessarily. I'm referring to the liberal dolts that try to blame every problem in every country in the world today on either the Bush administration specifically or the U.S. in general. Since the United States rose to world prominence during the industrial revolution we have saved Europe and the rest of the world in two world wars. Then we did something that no other conquering nation ever did; we used our own money and resources to rebuild the lands we had conquered and handed them back to the indigenous population and never asked for repayment. So until the rest of the world recognizes this and pays us back including many decades of interest adjusting the principal for today’s inflation they haven't earned the right to whine or complain. Whenever any other country has a natural or man made disaster the first thing they do is come to us with outstretched hands wanting our help, but they sure as hell can't be bothered to give back anything but a lot attitude
Where do I start? The U.S did NOT save the rest of the world in two world wars. The U.S turned up in 1917 to a war that had been going on for 3 years already and had months left to run. In terms of numbers yes the contribution was huge, but strategically? No! U.S generals were incompetent and wasted many young lives employing tactics that had been thoroughly discredited by 1918. As for defeating Hitler, the Russians achieved that feat on the Eastern front. Americans seem largely ignorant of the fact that roughly
23 million Russians were killed in WW2 vs
400,000 U.S deaths (both the U.S and USSR had roughly the same population at the time. Any historian worth their salt will tell you that the massive and vicious war fought on the Eastern Front dwarfed anything that took place in Western Europe or the Pacific. The Russians had already been pushing Hitler back on the Eastern Front for 2 years before D-Day was even launched!! Soviet archives opened after the fall of communism in the 1990s revealed the frustration with what they perceived as lack of action from the West informed much of Soviet foreign policy post-war.
It may surprise you to learn that despite being one of the victor countries, World War Two bankrupted Britain because the U.S Government insisted that Britain pay back its war debt WITH INTEREST. Of the original loan, (adjusted by RPI to today: £40bn) the last payment of £45.5m was made in
2006!!! The rest of Europe did indeed reap the benefits of the Marshall Plan. But the Marshall Plan was implemented, not just for altruistic reasons, but so Europe could once again be in a position to buy American goods and ensure the ongoing prosperity of Americans. The U.S profited hugely from the war, so morally that was the only correct thing to do.
Your perpective needs some adjusting my friend.